Ok is it just me or do y'all get excited when checking trailcams. I know for me before season starts I put cams out and I just can't wait to go check and see what is coming. So do you get the same way. I love to see what is possibly going to be coming in while I'm sitting up in the stand. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
I absolutely LOVE running trail cams.... at the same time i think its crucial to be cautious about running them and educating deer that your on to them. The absolute earliest I will check a cam is 2 weeks and I usually try to wait for a rain before I do. It doesnt take much human pressure to educate a mature deer that your onto them and poof their gone!
Our bow season starts down here in Louisiana tomorrow and I'm gonna check the cam after the morning hunt while I'm on my way out. Srtiek is there any reason you don't use them. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
I too get excited. I had cams up since June checking them every week through mid July, then every two weeks until august the it as 3 weeks and now I checked them three weeks ago today and loved the results. I've been able to patturn the deer movements and know where they are mostly bedding by the day activity on some cameras. The hardest part is knowing when to say no, on checking them. Good forum to start.
Trail cam addict here too. Depending on where your cams are most of mine I could check dailey and get away with it. I believe in checking them more often during season so if you see a pattern you can take advantage of it right away.
By using the trailcams, planting foodplots, tuning bows, etc, my wife says I've found a way to take my obsession from just hunting season to a year round gig. Gotta love it!!