On the way in to work this morning I found a Huge typical 8 pt. dead on the side of the road....had been hit last night. 23 3/4' inside spread. How do I attach the photo so you guys can see it. Sad Day SB
Try uploading it to Photobucket and using their IMG code to display it in here. Or e-mail it to [email protected] and I'll post it for you. We found a big mature buck dead, hit by a car, about two weeks ago. He was coming out of our hunting spot and headed across the highway when he got hit. By the time we got to him the next morning someone chopped his skull plate off already.
as I wouldn't keep or mount such a fine animal since I didn't kill it, didja at least take the antlers to use for rattlin??
did you at least drag it into the bushes so you can get it later? Sure would have been a nice one to shoot!! It is shame they get that stupid during the rut!!
THere was no were to drag it.....my buddy went up there to get it 20 minutes later and someone had already cut the cap off.... SB
Have you ever seen the meat after someone hits something with a vehichle? Its mostly clots, and bruised.
I haven't picked up a lot of deer, but my family has picked up two freshly hit deer, and there is still a lot of salvageable meat. Just my opinion.
YOu couldn't see it from the picture but the whole back end had been eatin out...either dogs or yotes... SB