yes I know this happens with bows too, and same applies to them. I was simply implying that the majority of these incidents you hear about are from rifle season. Regardless of rifle/bow, they're idiots who don't know or care for firearm/weapon safety and should not be hunting.
Outdoor Life has a section, This Happened to Me. Years ago the following was the subject- A fellow was wearing a yellow rain jacket and was shot in the leg with a broadhead.
Negligent homicide plain and simple. No possible explanation for killing anything other than what you are hunting for besides oddities of deflection or ricochet. No one on earth can say they mistook a human on two legs for a question would always be “what the hell were you aiming at”. The answer obviously is nothing......they shoot at sound or motion. Case closed, go to jail. Why the hell do they always put in that the victim wasn’t wearing orange as if that’s a reason to get shot. I don’t care if the guy had antlers on his chance anyone exercising even the slightest bit of care shoots a human thinking it was a deer. The answer is ALWAYS.......they shot at something they HOPED was a deer. Go to jail
LOL. I have been and will probably be part of the orange army until I can't hunt. I just love to hunt. I prefer to use a bow and even in fire arm season, will take it on most sits as my place is pretty thick in spots. My apologies if my comment came across as being a high and mighty bow hunter who has a grudge against gun hunters.
Man I got "skinned" on a NY site for that sentiment,. No orange required here, though most wear it. But we have guys wearing camo gilly suits and hunting property lines here. I was in orange head to toe and nearly shot out of a 16 ft tree stand. The same thing happened to my neighbor. She literally owes her life to a popular tree. So orange or not and movement or not, there will always be an A hole with a gun in the woods some where.
Well that thought went through my mind. Also up until just recent years, it was said many a time in these time to plan an " accidental murder" is hunting season. Now there are no accidents it's jail time one way or the other, be it long or short.
These incidents drive me up the wall. Yes, during firearms season you should ALWAYS be wearing blaze orange when in the woods. Thats just common sense. But the crux for me is that anyone who would mistake a human being for a deer, orange or no orange, should not be allowed in the woods... period. There is absolutely no excuse for shooting at something you think may be a deer. I mean, do these people not try to make an ethical shot and aim for the vitals? In order to aim for the vitals, don't you need to make out that what you're aiming at is clearly a deer? I just don't get it.
During muzzle loading and firearm seasons, I always wear orange...because my wife tells me. Evidently I don't have enough life insurance? Not wearing orange is, IMHO, taking a big chance.
The guy does possess remarkable skills to be able to just hear something and deliver a kill shot, just saying.
It's NOT JUST about aiming for the vitals. It's looking beyond your target. It's understanding ballistics, terrain and actually knowing how to shoot. We are now rifle. I have a 243 bought brand new with a Nikon pro hunter scope brand new. I used it once and killed a buck. That was years ago because I personally can not hit the broad side of a barn with it now. EVERYONE else can, but I can't get a clean scope sight to save my life or anyone else's . BTW that is with coaching. So it sits in a safe. I finally figured it out and will be taking it to a Smith, hoping to get him to understand the issue and fix it. Some think they can shoot a weapon once, one year to the next and everything will be exactly the same. Laziness, greed in shooting in bad light, unsafe conditions(sky lightning) and to long a distance without scanning behind target. Pick one or them all in some peoples cases as the issue.