Not specifically about bowhunting but would touch many of us who also hunt with firearms. Got this from a friend.
Yeah not much pity for the party that was shot, no blaze orange and a rather colorful criminal history.
So the incident was approximately at 7:15pm? Sundown in Bemidji, MN is 4:30pm. Either the article is inaccurate, or the guy didnt report the incident until several hours after dusk. Secondly, I am so sick of people who ignore the most basic gun safety rules! Even my 6yo cousin knows to be sure of your target and whats beyond it. There are way too many a$$holes that sling lead like John Wayne. Especially in the northeast it seems. I personally know multiple people who bring boxes(yes, plural) of ammo to the stand. Fire their rifles 3-6 times, and sometimes they dont even score a hit. Both people are idiots in this situation. Only a fool would go out without orange. And only a moron fires at "movement."
A little something I drew up in paint. But this illustrates the mindset I have when it comes to pulling the trigger(bow and rifle) This is how I was raised and taught. My target is not movement My target is not even the deer itself, My target is the spot behind the shoulder (or, the crescent moon as my Grandfather calls it) of the deer. It is virtually impossible to confuse that with a human or any other animal if you have a 100% confirmed and clear shot of your target. The lower the standards you set for yourself on the pyramid. the greater chance for error. Especially when we have the privilege of using high powered rifles. The most stringent of standards should be required of every hunter out there. Sorry for the rant, but stories like this really piss me off.
When somebody is stupid enough to shoot at a sound education will not rehabilitate. The guy that got shot, shot at the police earlier this year I would guess the guy that shot him his head did not hit the door frame as he was placed in the car. It was interesting that the FBI was there before local police knew of the incident.
If the guy who got shot was a criminal scumbag, then good, the Lord works in mysterious ways. But the hunter who shot him is a complete idiot and has no business hunting. Under no circumstance can you fire a gun at something you cannot positively identify with complete certainty.
Could you PM a copy of that triangle? Very impressive and good rules. If possible, I would like to use it in my Hunter Education classes on Power Point and pass it along to the head of the state Hunter Education department. Thanks.
who says it was an accident? Other than Sota's criminal history report we don't know anything about the guys except they "were not hunting together."
We had this kid in highschool whose brother shot off his leg from the knee down on a 2 man deer drive. Neither of them were wearing blaze. A few years later I was a bit intoxicated at an underground redneck party and we had some good old boxing matches in the basement over some Budweiser's. One of my opponents just happened to be a one legged man.
Typical orange army.... One of the reasons I hate Rifle season and try to avoid it.. way too many idiots (especially here in PA) who pick up a gun once a year and have next to no clue about firearm safety and hunting in general.
Generalize much? In 2019 PA had 26 hunting related shootings, or 3.4 per 100,000 hunters. 8 of those were accidental discharge. None of the shootings were “mistaken for game” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You do know there are cases where a BOW HUNTER shot someone? A slob is a slob is a slob "firearm" safety rules applies to bows as well.
Nice try to deflect but you specifically slammed the “idiots” in the orange army. Just own it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One recommended addition... Know what is behind the the target (passthrough or miss)... It's it safe?
??? Where exactly did @picman slam the orange army? I think you just quoted and slammed the wrong guy.
It's a tragedy (or maybe a homicide) , regardless of the guys past. I do know some reservations have different rules than if the victim was on the reservation, he may not have been required to wear orange. I also know folks hunt close to property lines... Time reported v dusk, who knows, maybe bad reporting, maybe the guy was giving it some time... Mind you, I'm not trying to justify any actions, just offering a pov for any jumping to conclusions. Growing up in NY, I nearly always try to have a tree at my back, have orange and am very careful to not be spot and stalking at dawn/dusk during rifle season on public...seen and heard too much about like this happen. Let's be careful out there!