What is a good start up longbow for me.... All my time has been spent with a compound. I draw 60# with a 27 1/2 Draw length. I know I'm in love with the Savanah from Martin, But dont think I should start off Highend. Any suggestions are welcomed.. #? Length of bow? I'm 5 foot 7inches. and how should i practice.....
How to practice? Often!!! Start off close and really concentrate on form. Larry Yien spoke about getting so close to his target that he could close his eyes and concentrate on how drawing, anchoring and releasing felt w/o worring about missing the bag. Once you feel confident your form is consistant, move back and begin to shoot. Poundage??? Light. You should be able to hold anchor for at least 20 seconds. If you like the Savanah, go for it. Better to have one you like and will shoot. I used to have a Martin Bushmaster that I shot great but it was too short for me. I have yet to shoot a Martin trad bow that I didn't like. That being said there are tons of bowyers out there that have been making great bows for many, many years. Jim Reynolds is just one that comes to mind...
For a long bow to start with dont go under 64", a 50lb @ 28" will be less at your DL. If you have a 27.5" DL with a compound it will be closer to 26.5" maybe 26" with trad gear so a 50lb bow should be close to 45lb at 26.5" I would suggest getting the DVD " Masters of the Bare Bow 3" it has a ton of information in it.
Great advice, above. I would like to add is look at the tradgang classifieds for a used Savanah, sure is a great shootin bow! Buying used is a great way to save some cash. You find out after shooting for a while what you like and dislike in a bow, you'll probably go thru a few before you find the "one" you fall in love with. Buying used you be able to sell it for almost what ya paid for it if for some reason you want something different. Believe me, once you start shooting Longbows and recurves you WiLL own more than one bow! Most importantly is have fun doing so!