Here In the next couple of weeks my brother and I and about 5 other guys and girls usually get together and do some stump shooting In each others woods that we deer hunt In. The snow Is usually gone by then. It's a blast and It makes out for some ok deer scouting too and It's also nice to see what your buddy's woods looked like last fall during the rut. The problem Is, I want to do more of this type of outdoor stuff. I've been thinking about this for some time now. We only have 2 traditional shoots that I know of here In Minnesota (I wish there was more). In 2011 I believe I'm going to put some miles on and hit up other traditional shoots In other states. I want to get out and shoot more and spend more time In the woods. I work my fricking tail off all year with my job and It's about time I take some time off and enjoy myself a little more then I have been In years past. Life is too short and besides I really enjoy 3-d shoots In the summer months and It sure can't hurt my shooting. Obviously It's not something I want to do solo so chances are If there's a shoot In someones area I wouldn't mind meeting up and shooting with you If our schedules were to work out. This sure Isn't set In stone being I'm self employed but It's something I'd really like to do In the next couple years. BHF (Joe) and GMMAT (Jeff) have met some good people at these shoots or traditional get togethers. That's what It's all about.
Steve.....I shot in another one, Saturday. I ran into a guy and his twin sons.....who I met, last year (at another shoot!). So, we get to talking and now I'm headed hog hunting with them, in May. Dang right I've met some good people. I've shot in 4, so far, this year. We have one every weekend (a traditional 3D class, anyway). 3 out of 4 I've shot in were trad. only. It's funny.....I've shot 153, three That won't get ya anything. I did shoot a 179 that won my class, though, on the 3rd of 4 shoots. I just thought about it. I'll shoot in at least 4 states this year (3D) (and I'll be home on Sundays). If I go to the IBO trad. worlds.....make that 5. I try my best at every one of them. But the atmosphere is MUCH different than the compound shoots. We'll be camping at at least 2 upcoming shoots. Seldom does the conversation involve target archery; work; politics. We talk hunting; fishing; family things; etc..., etc..., etc... . If I were you, Steve....I'd go to the target archery section of tradgang and look for shoots near you. I'd also put something in the pow-wow about wanting to stump shoot in your area. People will let you know quick if there's more going on than maybe you realize. Good luck. Have fun.
I shoot about 8 trad-only shoots a year...mostly in PA,MD,and NJ. The biggest one being Denton Hill in PA. The 1st one is in 2 weeks...can't wait to start killing foam again!
Steve, you should come to the Compton Traditional Shoot in Michigan on June 18-20. I've never been to this shoot but hear it the best one around. Almost went last year but work and the foul weather ruined it for me, couldn't go. Pack up the wife and kids, your camping gear and come on down, its just under 3 hours from Milwaukee. Were all planning on it for sure this year. Also, April 24-25 were having a Traditional shoot at my club, Ojibwa Bowhunters!