Guys I just came across an opportunity to purchase a large lot of trad bows, i believe to be all recurves, not sure of years, seller says they are all shootable in good-fair condition, most with brand new strings. 17 bows- Bear white bear LH 25/30 LB. BEAR CUB 44#. BEAR CUB 28#. BEAR minuteman takedown 45#. BEAR temujin ? 50#. BEAR kodiak hunter 50#. BEAR grizzly 43#. 2-- BEN PEARSON hunters 50#. BEN PEARSON mustang 45#. BEN PEARSON bp-h52 45#. BLACKHAWK bee 48#. BLACKHAWK wasp 50#. WING falcon 25#. MONTGOMERY WARD bruin 45#. BROWNING nomad stalker 1 45#. STEMMLER varsity 2 30# $700 what do you guys think, info may be too vague i get that? could I pick one or two of the best ones for fun/collectables and sell the rest and make any money? what would you do sight-unseen as a traditional newbie!?
Im not a traditional guy...but I dont see how thats not a good deal. Goos luck, ans if you get them I may be interested in buyojg one...but have no clue.
I am just getting into traditional but I would say if you have the money to buy it; DO IT. I bought 2 bows last weekend at an estate sale out here in california. I paid 60 dollars total for both and didn't realize what I had. The first ended up being a 1966 Bear Kodiak Hunter #50 and the Second a Ben Pearson Cougar xx45# so a 43 lb bow. I posted these bows on another site for advice on setup and how good they were and I was told by several traditionalist both of these bows go for anywhere between 130 -175 depending on buyer/collector. Needless to say, they aren't for sale and I ordered strings necessary, and going to pick up arrows on Tuesday.
That's a whopper of a deal!!!! If you have the money you should DEFINITELY GO FOR IT!!! The Kodiak Hunter goes for $200.00-$300.00 on eBay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk