I have had trackers come out 2 times. One was the biggest buck of my life and last year. Both times the trackers volunteered to come back a second day. No recovery on either though last year we heard a single shot where we lost all sign and the one years before It turns out a neighboring farmer took him while I waited for the tracker.( biggest buck I've ever seen here and we have some rather big buck). Anyways both got donations.. What on average do you guys that have had to use them give? What do you know others have given?
I had one come out to track a buck a young man shot in youth season. He looked for hours and and the kicker was 5 months later he texted me and asked if I got pics of the deer which I had and told me good luck. Needless to say he in forever in my contacts now and will get my service and even harder to come by my endorsement.
Ya all the trackers around here have to travel many miles just to make it here. the first tracker ended up getting a puncture wound in his leg that trail took us everywhere. I didn't tell him that I found out the next year...buck wasn't any where near the track and had been picked up way before he got here. I hope the farmer enjoyed my trophy. His friend enjoyed telling me about it. He was so big and the sound didn't seem right at hit. he walked into our gully head and tail down and up over the ridge.I saw no blood. I didn't want to risk a push so immediately decided to make my first tracking job call. So much for THAT! Apparently he dropped in front of the farmer just off our place 150 yrds away before I even made the call. gave him 100 and went out and bought a new bow I was so pizzed off at myself...Oh well that took me off the bow buying fence.
My guy works out of honeoye and drove a hr to get to me. PM me of he is close to you and you want his contact info.
Thanks thats not far from me...deer search had them coming from way farther than that. Hoping never to have to have another ever again. Around here it's almost pointless. If your not on them immediately they are gone. Lol we must be the only two bow hunter to need a tracker Fix.
I have a beagle that completely untrained will find animals.. my gf brought her out two years ago just to have her with while she waited in the pickup and I guess daisy was just whining in the pickup so the girlfriend let her out on the leash of course and she went straight to where me and my brother where taking pictures with my buck. 600 yards away from the truck through the coulee. She followed the blood trail the whole way o guess. I’ve never trained her, I guess some dogs just do it