no hills for me, all flat lowland, swamps and pines and cutovers. The thickest mess you have ever encountered and then it's wide open pines plantation. very very few oaks. I mean very few. Ag fields are spotty, at least where I am. Most of what I hunt is timber company.
Have been able to hunt since Sept 15th and life has allowed two hunts. Just the season of life I'm in...I'll still hit the tree a good amount hopefully but been a tough season only from a time perspective.
I manage to bow hunt about 8-9 days a season. that's all I get. It's hard when you only have a small amount of time. It kind of puts this undo pressure on you and then it gets all in your head..
Not to hijack Vabowman, but I feel his pain. The mountains suck some days... I love hunting them though. I went and pulled a camera the other day. 1.7 miles to the camera... straight up through a mountain the whole way. Feel the burn! Then, on the way back its all down hill and your legs feel like jello... Of course, that could be that i'm old and getting more and more out of shape by the day... lol
On a good note, I did hunt my old private ground, the only morning I sat this year and made a loop back to the truck to check on some things. This is the exact area I killed the buck thats in my profile pic last year. I found some very large rubs in a cluster just off the point the buck last year came from. Seems like a new "hammer" moved in... This was one of the bigger rubs.
Tough season here too. The only decent shots I could have taken was a little forkhorn and a couple of yearlings. This year has the heaviest crop of white oak acorns I can recall in 5 decades of living and hunting here and the deer are pretty much ignoring a couple of extremely lush food plots and persimmons right now. Unfortunately I don't have access to the land next to me that has a ton of white oak trees on it so until they get all those acorns vacuumed up or the bucks start running does its gonna' be slim pickings for awhile. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good late season though.
My season just started and I haven't been in a stand yet. Have tried a couple times but have had to many deer around to get to one.