i cant seem to get a grip down that prevents me from torquing my bow. whenever i release its just a reaction for me to grip the riser. any way to prevent this?
I use a wrist sling and dont actually grip the bow. Let her hand relax against the riser and simply be there to keep the riser in front and don't grip it. The wrist sling will keep the bow from falling when you shoot.
try a torqueless grip Iput one on my mathews made abig difference. just relax your grip trust me your reflexes are not going to let you drop the bow good luck.
Our archery coach will stand in front of, but off to the side of, the bow (using a blank bale at 5 yds). He then has the shooter draw then shoot with their eyes closed and hand fully opened. As the bow rocks forward he will catch the bow or remind the shooter to let the bow fall as needed. You just need to get used to letting your bow fall forward slightly. It doesn't take much as the arrow will be well on its way before the bow tips. But your initial hand position has as much, if not more, to do with bow torque. Check out Larry Wise's hand position video. http://www.bowtube.com/media/6/Get_A_Grip/