Well I am in my 3rd solid off-season utilizing topo maps. I am virtually a beginner. I bought the book "Mapping Trophy Whitetails" recently and have been excited since I opened the cover. Well I used some of the topo skills I gleamed from the book and some of the insights I have gained over the years to scout today. I was very happy with some of the results I found in the form of rubs and tracks today in the mud. I walked a good long way to spots I "pre-scouted" using topo maps, never before having walked. Here is some of the proof the map scouting paid off before I even stepped foot in the woods. Some things threw off the results I think since many of the military troops stage in the same areas the deer use in terms of topographical relief. But for the most part, it was pretty accurate. Don't make fun of the pics, I have a new camera and don't know how to use the self timer--lol.
blood, I haven't seen too many sheds over the years on the place I hunt. However, the ones I have found have been pretty big. I am going to try and get back after it again tomorrow to see what else I can dig up while scouting. I am focusing on a 500-700 acre or so spot of woods that I used to hunt years ago. I am looking in different places and thinking a little outside the box. I am hoping it pays off.
Cool deal man! I might have to buy that book you're talking about. I'd like to be a little more knowledgeable using topo maps myself.