Do you guys see any killer spots within the circled area? Pretty much all of that forest is National Forest so I could hunt it all but thats as far as I'm gonna walk from my parent's house. :D
Walk a little further.. about 1" right of the 1814 marker.. just WSW of your circle. Should be several trails that will meet up right in there between the creeks to the south and north. I'd draw a circle myself but that would require me to get into paint.. and all that other "save as" bs... ....and I'm lazy.
about and inch noth of the + sign on the aireal photo is a nice saddle that the deer would use to get from one creekbottom to the other
Thanks guys! I'm going there tomorrow so I'll have to try and find those spots and check 'em out. I actually have a stand location just northwest of the + sign on the aerial photo. There's a thicket next to that but you can't really see it on the aerial.
Thanks gri22ly....I'm just about out of the door to head to my parents place now. Got some serious scouting to do.