I guess I'm messing up my vote idea by throwing that write in in. I'm going to go with top pin for the win. Official vote.
Works for me. I finally had a shooter on my trail camera this weekend. I will get a picture up a little later today.
Just shot new member another pm so see if he checks in. Guess give it a day or so and then will see if anybody else is still available. Sounds like we got the name settled so if everyone is good with that I'll shoot Fitz a pm to get the thread name changed.
That works for me! Checked trail cams yesterday and have another buck to add to the hitlist. Starting to shape up good!
As promised here is a picture the shooter I had on camera this weekend. Had a picture of my cabin in the background so I cut it out so as not to give away my location. You never know who's watching
Tomorrow looks like it will be a short day at work so I'm hoping to go change cards out in cameras. Should have some pics to share they've been out for almost a month and I'm planning on leaving them soak until the season starts. If I can keep myself from checking them. Good looking bucks from rest of you guys so hopefully I can add some myself. Still haven't heard anything from replacement we had, so if everyone is good with team name and don't hear anything by tomorrow night I'll send a pm to fitz to get thread name changed and let him know need another replacement. Thought I saw he was trying to get everything finalized by the first of September, so if you guys wanna wait few more day I'm fine with that or we can try to get someone on board now.
Team name is good let's find someone who wants to hunt! Nice bucks everyone. I'll post the latest one from the camera tomorrow.