Haha yea I'll haveta check the rules about stabbing them with the arrow. I really thought she was gonna come on in for a min. Got my cam right next to me too woulda made some good footage if could turned it on without getting busted.
Saw 9 deer tonight. One basket 8 pointer at 15 yards. Had a fawn under the stand but the does entered 50 yards away. Maybe tomorrow morning
Got off work early today so decided to head out. It's little warmer than it was this weekend but the wind is pretty much gone. Sitting in stand I hung Saturday so we'll see what happens. Don't have much for shooting lanes cut yet but have been getting pics of a nice buck from cam that's maybe 15 yards from base of tree I'm in. Been all at night but never know unless your out here.
It was warmer here today as well. Had to split wood for new outside boiler. Wind wasn't right either.
Yea I didn't end up seeing anyghing. Not sure what it was, either warmer temps or they were cutting beans right behind me. Buddy was drilling wheat and said he saw some in feild he was in though. Usually pretty quiet on farm until the crops are out though.
Our beans were put in a little late. Probably won't get these cut until the end of the month if not the first of November.
Did get a new stand hung yesterday. Felt like walking on marbles there were so many acorns on the ground.
Glad you guys are seeing deer. I had a quiet last week where the wind was never right. But this week I got my non hunting brother to come up in the stand and we saw 5 deer, yearling bucks, fawns, and one wary doe. He was thrilled! I set up a new morning stand too, sat it once and had does all around me, but they circled downwind and never gave me a shot. I'm dialing in some new stand sets right now, but I think I'll put another Doe on the ground soon. Working on the big boys cautiously too.
Hey folks, the school where I teach is on Fall break next week. Will be on doe patrol every chance I get. Will hopefully have pics of a dead deer soon. Good luck out there gentlemen.
Finally have this weekend off and going to pop a doe before the rut kicks in. Hoping to post pics by Sunday!!
Was covered up in deer tonight. Pass on a 120 inch 8 pointer. Looked over and I had a giant that about 70 yards and couldn't get a shot. gave him a grant and it took off