ROFL!!! Democratic BB ..... lol ... thanks guys magic hour is quickly approaching...... keep them thoughts comin, Bruce!
Pass ________________________________________________________ pick a spot (single hair) stupid (no pun intended)
Preach, I use this mentality. "It is always Just a target" until you walk up and put your hands on the deer. Then, and only then, does it become "your deer". jmho:D
Thank god I picked you in buckablooza, or else i would be feeling worse that you!! In all seriousness, good luck, i want to see you get one!!
Well we didn't seevanything ... the weather was cold.... we got rain, hail, sleet and it was super windy ... andrew got bored real quick .... lol ...... tomorrow will be an all day deal ...... unless
Look quit screwing around and kill a damn deer. Just have one thought and one thought only, KILL the deer
Yep I think you have to get ninja like now. Try the serial killer attitude next deer you have in range. Get angry. Growl if you feel you have to. But for Gods sake KILL THE DANG DEER!!!!:p