Ugh! Having one of the busiest summers ever has not left much time to shoot. I was strong & shooting well way back in march from doing a lot of basement blank baling. Took a few shots over the weekend and man I was weak, but...still hitting better than I expected @ 10-12 yds. Fatigue set in after only a few shots & I had to slow it down a good bit between arrows. I need to make more time to practice if I have any hopes of giving it a go with the trad gear this fall.
Yeah time away from my bow is a bummer! The longest I haven't shot is 13 days, seems like forever! We have a Music festival that is 11 days long, averages about 100,000 people a night, I'm at my stage from 7am - 2am for 12 days straight, no time to shoot, it kills me not to be able to loose a few arrows!
This year I've shot fewer arrows then I can ever remember In my life but my shooting hasn't been to bad. Been super busy and man do I miss It!! Last year I got tendinitis In both of my elbows and It made shooting tough last year. This year when I've shot I haven't felt near the pain as I did last year but I still get the shakes a little In my bow arm. This might have to be the norm for me from here on out though If this tendinitis doesn't ever go away which I'm thinking It won't. Best of luck Rybo!!!
Come August 1 I will live at elevation shooting broadheads for two months. I have to gain the confidence from thousands of more shots from my treestand height and using the exact equipment I will be using this fall to fully commit with this recurve! BOYS, it is time to KILL! The countdown has begun! Steve, are you taking anti-inflammatory medicine for your tendinitis? If so, you might have to just stop taking the medication and ice your arm for the next month. I once told a guy who had chronic wrist problems to stop taking any anti-inflammatories. He laughed at me because he had taken them for years. But he listened and was pain free within 3 months. I am not saying every 4-5 days you cannot take any pills to relieve the pain, I am just saying to significantly reduce the pills. When you take that medication it prevents your body from knitting itself back together and therefore just extends the healing process, and in fact you will never heal. BUT, if you do not take any anti-inflammatories then I just typed all that for nothing! LOL.
Thats why I try, ( I don't always do it but I try), to shoot at least one arrow every day.If I get home late I put the target under my barn light and shoot one arrow from 15-20 yards. It really helps keep my form in shape. I still suck at shooting, lol, but my arm doesn't get tired!
I have a brand new Silvertip that's never been shot. I got it in April. You've got time. Shoot when you want to or can. Good luck.
Brett, No I'm not taking any anti Inflammatory drugs. Last year around the 1st week of August I went In and got some cortisone pills and they worked great through October but this year I'm skipping them too "I think". I hate putting pills In my body. I've tried the Ice packs but haven't had much luck with that either. It's just something I'm going to have to live with I think.
I shot another short session…and even though my ability to shoot a lot of arrows isn’t that good right now, I really can’t complain about the accuracy part. So I guess that’s pretty good news. Maybe I will carry the long bow enough times afield this fall to finally make it happen. Jeff, I know you’ve been really busy training, but I’d have at least had to send a few arrows thru that new bow, even if they were junk arrows shot into an empty field.