I'm a new recurve owner/shooter and I have many questions. In stead of posting to the general forum I'd like to pick the brain of one person who really knows the science of stick and string. Reply if you don't mind and I'll send you questions directly. Thanks for all your help
No volunteers.................ok I'll jump right in then Shooting off the shelf of the bow, should I be using feathers instead of plastic ?
Yeah I suppose that makes the most sense. I'm leaning toward carbon arrows, what weight/spine would be best for my 60lb recurve at 28" draw. Also what weight tip to balance out the arrow properly ?
I would start with something in the .400 spine with a 300 grain tip around 30" shaft length. The, while tuning, you can cut the arrow shorter or decrease the tip a touch or some combination of the two.
Just an opinion but 60 pounds is pretty tough to start out with. Traditional shooting is all about form. That much draw weight really brings out mistakes in shooting form.
Yeah I agree with Kenny, if you've never shot trad before you very well are going to be over bowed with 60#. This will bring out bad habits and throw your shooting in the toilet! Your accuracy will not be there in return you will find that your confidence with be the next thing in the toilet! I've killed deer from 45# to 52# and cant imagine shooting 60#, just way to much for me. I really enjoy shooting, go to shoots all year round, practice a lot, with that heavy of a bow I would be done after a few arrows, and that would be a bummer! I love to shoot!
For sure on the 60# is a lot. I shoot 55# and it's a work out.I use Gold tip carbon arrows 500 spine with blazer vanes.Off of a elevated rest.My arrows are 27" long.I started shooting recurves when I was a kid in the 1960's .You need to go to a pro shop and get set up right.You will love shooting there is nothing like hitting a target by just looking at it .