And I am a sad sad soul. I haven't really gotten the itch yet, haven't put broadheads on yet, haven't washed my clothes yet and worst of all....I do not have my permits yet. Hopefully I can get the stuff gathered up this weekend.. Please tell me nobody else is as sad as me!!
The itch has been scratched here, hunted a couple times in Ohio but Indiana bow opener is tomorrow! Trying to decide what stand to hunt, but the wind will tell me in the morning. Good luck to ya when you get it together :D
I was like that for most of the summer, but I'm ready to go now (Saturday is our opener). The itch has been there for a while now. I think once you get out there, it will change for ya. You just have to get out there first:D
I'm ready to go and will hunt the opener out of tradition. After that I'll play it by ear and be patient. I really don't get with it until late October. Then watch out!!!
I still have 3 more stands to get put up, but I am waiting on the corn to get out before I get them out there. My first sit will hopefully be Friday afternoon if I can sneak out of work on time.
I ain't stopped scratching since the close of season last year. Hell I moved a set 3 days after the season closed last year.