I haven't shot much as of late but I decided to go shoot my second 3-D tournament of the season today with the longbow. Distance was Max 20 yards with at least 5 shots upwards of 25 yards. I hit 29/30 targets and had 4 12's for a final score of 217. I had several 5's that were just shy of cutting the 8 line. I thought I was going to make it through the whole course without missing a single target but #23 was a javelina downhill at 22 steps that I grazed the belly. But in my defense there was a tick crawling up my leg as I was trying to shoot, LOL. All in all a pretty good day, I figure I'll win the Trad bracket as I prob. will be the only trad shooter there. Stephanie shot the compound after not picking it up since last year and shot pretty well. I didn't take the camera as we were racing the rain that was on it's way.
Damn, good shooting there NC!! Congratulation's on some good shooting, makes ya feel good doesn't It when stuff starts to click??!!
Thanks Steve I finally got in a groove towards the last 15 and the guy behind us was shooting from the hunters stake 40 yards max. I stepped back and shot some from the hunters stakes and done fairly well. I did shoot one bear 2 times b/f I hit it from 42 steps. We have the R100 here next weekend, I'd like to take the longbow, but they have some flamingos that I know it'll take a stroke of luck to hit. Might pull out the compound to tackle it, who knows?
It's official, I won the Trad. bracket at this weeks shoot. Of course it wasn't very hard to do since I was the only trad shooter there, LOL.
Excellent. Way to go. Im still trying to find time to get down and shoot at Rowells range. Hell, Id love to find time to shot period.
I knew going into the shoot that I would prob. be the only trad shooter there, I figured if I was gonna pay $12 I might as well get a trophy, LOL!!!