My friend and I calculated that: CC Sabatathia gets paid roughly $6000 every pitch (every 5 days) A Rod makes 60000 every at bat. (and is allowed to fail 2 out of 3 times) Tiger makes 18000 every shot. (Well, he is Tiger) Jeff Gordon makes 4000 every lap (To drive in circles). Keving Garnett gets paid 24000 for every shot he takes (And an additional 5000 every time he yells at a foreign player, just kidding). Peyton Manning also makes roughly 24000 every pass attempt.
wow, A-Rod's stat there is just unbelievable. Per at bat he makes what tons of people who kill to make a year!
Ha, Ha, Ha! The jokes on them. I don't do any of those things and I'm up for a 35 cent an hour raise this year. If I still have a job by the end of the year.