And I am one, it just doesn't evoke the excitement to me.. What is your reasoning? I pursue many animals, I have taken 4 Fall Turkey, but for some reason Spring Turkey hunting just doesn't grab me and say "I gotta get out there!" I'm not knocking it, I like the stories and pictures of success of board members. But truth be told if a hunting show comes on and it's about Turkeys, I change the channel. I'm not looking for a bunch of "try it once you'll be hooked" statements, I'm just looking for like minded individuals outlook on the subject.
It has never really interested me either. Some times I will say, I am going to try turkey hunting this year.... "This year" comes and goes and I never go. I have maybe a 10% interest in it. I am not saying I won't go, because just maybe I will.
This is my first season spring turkey hunting and I can honestly say I like deer hunting better. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed it. I enjoy the woods, seeing the birds, seeing the other animals, but there's just something missing when I think about it and compare it to deer hunting.
I guess I am like you in that I don't have much interest in turkeys. Maybe it's because I grew up on a turkey farm. :d I actually saw like a dozen turkeys from my deer stand last fall. I would actually rather spend my time during the spring scouting for whitetails, golfing or fishing.
It's never really been a traditional thing here in MN, especially growing up in the northern part of the state, since there weren't any birds up there. Heck, I didn't even know there were turkeys in the state until I was 25 or so.. always thought of it as a southern or western thing. I look at it every year and think, "I should apply for a tag", but then forget about it. Spring fills my head with thoughts of getting on the water and catching some Walleyes or Bass more than sitting in a blind waiting on a bird. Maybe some day I'll get around to it, but it doesn't capture my interest all that much at this point.
Not enough birds on our farms. I've seen 1 hen while deer hunting Nov.'07 and 1 tom a few miles down on someone elses farm. I used to hear a couple now and then a few years ago on one farm but nothing this past year. Kinda hard to hunt what's not there
Ya'll sound like me. Every year I say I'm gonna go. Almost like trying to talk myself into being excited about it. Then it comes around and I say well..maybe next year.
I do turkey hunt and really enjoy the cat and mouse games involved. I love to hear them gobble and love the table fare. I do find it challenging, but far easier than deer hunting. I'm sure some will debate the fact, but to me, its not even close. Deer hunting will always get top billing with me.
Even though I turkey hunt now, I did not do so for MANY years. I was always preoccupied with trout fishing. I had a hardcore turkey hunting buddy take me out in college & we had one of the coolest turkey encounters ever. He was on cloud 9 with excitement, and while thinking it was cool, I certainly was not hooked by it. About 6 years ago out of the blue I finally decided to give it an honest try & I had fun & killed a bird. For a few years it was still a struggle between trout & turks. But now, I am pretty hooked on spring turkey. For me the appeal is the calling interaction. I don't know what tripped or why, but seeing how much I enjoy hunting turkeys now, I don't know why I didn't back in the day.(even after having really cool encounters)
I am going to give It a try this spring for the 1st time. It's something I've never done so I though I'd give It a try. On a side note, I can't stand watching It on TV either, It bores me.
Well I first tried it about 8 years ago. It was something to do in the spring as the only thing I did in spring was Snow goose hunt. I suck at fishing so I thought I'll try it. When I saw the first strutter come through the woods I damn near passed out. lol I was so excited and I really thought it was just something to do in the woods. Now first and foremost I love hunting whitetails that will never change unless I move to Moose or Elk Country because I have never hunted another big game species besides Black Bear. On the other hand I am still like you in the way I change or delete the show when it is about Turkey hunting. Watching it for me is like watching Golf. Okay well maybe a little better, lol but doing it was more enjoyable. In no way does it rival my deer hunting but I will do it because there just is not much going on the spring.
I love my bowhunting but turkeys never did anything for me. Springtime is for stalking the big Brown Trout with the fly rod. I tie my own flies, leaders and build my own rods and nets, would make my own reels if I had a CNC machine. Nothing like landing a 2 footer on gear you made yourself.
Lol!! I really am looking forward to It Jeff. It's something new and It could be something I do every year. One just never knows till they give It a try.
I've been chasing them for a few years now and REALLY enjoy it. The interaction with the birds is pretty cool. I called a Tom into my decoys this year with my son hunting, it was about the best hunt I have ever been on! Sure some luck is involved like any hunting, I like talking turkey and bringing them to you unlike deer hunting waiting for them to come down the trail your set up on! Don't get me wrong, I love my deer hunting, I love all hunting! Another thing is Springtime in the woods is a pretty cool place to be! I'll mushroom hunt, shed hunt while going thru the woods, watch the deer. My Spring gobbler season is only 5 days so there really is no time to be messing around!
Turkeys never did anything for me. I have shot a few and it's just not there.I like the meat but it's to much BS for me for the amount of meat involved.
This pretty much sums it up for me as well. This year I was actually excited to get out and hunt for spring turkey, but I have not been able to get out and hunt b/c of work and family obligations. Kind of bummed b/c I enjoy waking up and seeing the sunrise in the woods.
i might go if i tasted it... prob like reg turkey but a bit wilder???? main reason, my dad didnt so i dont. but i guess everything is worth a try
This might be herecy or whatever you want to call it but I love Turkey Hunting more than deer hunting. Its just something about the spring woods and hearing that big boy gobble at first light you just cant beat it imo. Dont get me wrong I Love to bowhunt deer but I LOVE to hunt turkeys with anything.
Ok here goes!! and i am really into the turkeys but not as much as Deer. It was one of those self taught ventures as usual, none of my family at the time or friends were hunting birds. It took alot of screwing up and hard knocks before i got it right. So this kinda hyped it up for me knowing that i had learned something on my own, and after i finally connected it just got ahold on me. Now I have two boys who hunt birds, my oldest 16 has killed 6 BIG Toms and my youngest 9 is in his first year. so Dad gets to spend quality time in the field with him teaching and watching his quest. I got three brother inlaws hooked now, a nephew and a father inlaw and my house is always the meeting place after opening day for breakfast, stories and showing off trophys. After i started hunting them with a Bow it hooked me even more, My season comes in, in the morning, and ill likey loose sleep tonight with stratigies swimming im my head :d There is just something about when a Big Tom runs in and spurs the Heck out of your decoy or hen just when you think its about to happen, game over and you have to start all over again. I cant explain why good enough, but i do love it!!