I got a couple really old does I'm trying to harvest abd get them outta the pack, but I'm having a hard time trying to harvest them any tips would be appreciated
You just have to get them whenever they come in. I have heard it said that an Old Doe is harder to kill than a Mature Buck. And I believe that 1000%. A Mature Buck trusts a Mature Doe more than anything. She seldom is wring when detecting a threat in the area and she will ALWAYS be on alert. Be patient and let the other deer come in and get relaxed. If she has seen you in a certain tree, move to another tree in the area or move your stand to the back of that tree and hunt from behind the tree. Good Luck! They are tough to kill.
I witnessed that first hand once. Had a lock-on in a tree on one side of this small plot that I had hunted several times, but poor judgement in location had the sun right in my eyes. I spotted a tree on the opposite side that had better cover with easier access. About the 2nd time I sat in the new location, I had a big ole doe slip in the plot from under my stand, as she entered the plot, she stood staring at the tree my stand had previously been in. Now, she had never busted me in that tree that I know of, but she definitly knew it was there(or not there as the case was) while she didnt bust me in my new set up, she did notice something was missing,..
I've been trying to tag the same doe for two years, she seems to always have a minimum of three younger ones with her. I had a nice conversation one morning with her before sun up. She blew at me and stomped around, I did my best to mimicked her and blow back, this went on for 15 minuets. I got setup and she finally walked off before shooting light. When I get her, I think she will be my favorite deer I've ever harvested, "when" is the question though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When???.....or IF??????......smartest deer in the woods in my eyes is a mature doe Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
When???.....or IF??????......smartest deer in the woods in my eyes is a mature doe I completely agree, I started hunting last year, have yet to put a doe down. My closest I came to a good chance was this past Friday, she was about 45 yards, I didn't feel comfortable at that range so she got a pass. Smart little bugger. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just have to sit tight in your treestand, and trust your set up. I have harvested several very mature does with my bow, and it's for many reasons. But that is probably the biggest, can't shoot deer on the living room couch. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk