So this October I will be headed to NW Illinois for a 7 day bowhunt. We all know what quality of whitetails that area of the country holds. To say I'm stoked is an understatement. Let's just say that everything goes according to plan and I arrow a 140-150" buck. All the meals are fantastic, the guides are great, lodging is good, etc. This outfitter is not fully guided, it is semi-guided. What percentage have ya'll tipped guides in the past? 10%-20% of the hunt cost? How about the cooks? Another 10%?
not a good comparison - but when we host friends at our cabin (which I would consider fully guided)...we work for Beer and Fine grilled meats :D Good Luck in IL...everyone knows there are 150 inchers behind every tree
If your really happy, give 20% or more. If it's okay give 10-15%. I gave my guide about 28% but you should have seen the gorge we had to get my buck out of.
If you arrow what your really wanting to shoot, 20%-25% If you don't get a deer, but the guides did everything they could 15%-20% If it's just ok, 10%-15% Cooks........Are typically tipped $75 (per hunter) if there is between 2-4 people (on a 7 day hunt)
What's the definition of fully guided? The guide showed up with a truck in the morning. We'd discuss where we thought the deer might be traveling (wind direction, cut crops, etc.) and then he'd drop us off and we'd go to the stands. (he did walk me part of the way to the stands, until I could follow the bright eyes). Deb is familiar with the property so she was actually picking areas to hunt, I basically told him to point me where he'd go. I did bring my climber but opted to hunt from the already placed stands. Both Jim and I skinned and quartered the deer. I took it home quartered.
You guys/gals are some generous people. I don't know if I would pay one more cent if I booked a hunt at $3,000 or more.
I have been on eight black bear hunts and I never tipped a one, and neither did my buddies. But then again, it usually states that skinning the bear is included and we always do our own. No one tips me when I kill bugs in their house, as I own a pest control business. I charge a fee, and you pay. Same as paying to go hunting imo. I know I have read where some people feel that you should tip your guide, cook, the guy that saddles your horse...everyone involved in the hunt. I tip graciously in restaurants, but not when I am hunting. I hunt out of state all of the time and just do self guided, unless I am on a bear hunt where I need a guy baiting weeks in advance to get the bait established or if I was hunting Mountain Lions with dogs. Other than that, as long as the rules don't require it, I am pretty good about doing it on my own. BTW; good luck!!!!!!
I have to disagree with Hardcore in some aspects, I believe that if you feel someone went above and beyond, no matter what the job, a tip is never against my rule. The guides, cooks, etc are all paid a flat rate for their service...if they deserve it, give it to them, if they don't take it with you that simple. In this day and age, just a simple thank you in a follow up letter or card sometimes means more to people than money. Don't feel required to tip, but don't be against it either.. BTW, this is just my opinion
To me it would depend on the over-all experience and less on if I was successful or not. On my one outfitted hunt, in which they pointed us to an area and no guide came with us. In fact they put us at a remote camp for 3 days and no one was even staying with us. We tipped the guide who was most helpful, the outfitter got his price for what he offered.
kinda what I was thinkin.... at nearly 3g for most guided hunts these days it seems like they are including the tip in the price...
I only paid 700.00 for my 3 day hunt. (which is still a big chunk of change in my book) Anyhow, guides usually aren't paid a lot by the outfitter, so they depend quite a bit on tips. Of course, I've tipped the garbage guys, the lawn guys (back when I had lawn guys), the guy who helps me load heavy stuff in my truck at the lumber yard, nursery, etc.. 'Cause that's how I roll. :D
Exactly. Rob/PA you know where I'm going to hunt so you know the price of the hunt. To say I'm ready to get up there is an understatement!!