Ok, so have any of y’all ever been spraying tinks or buck bomb on a scrape and got it on your hunting clothes? Because I have and its not good. If any of y’all have how did you get the smell out of your clothes because I got it on my clothes and the smell has not gone away for a good 2 years.
Give it a soak in a,mix of baking soda and one of your no scent sprays after a couple of hours wash in a no scent soap with 2 rinses in a washer. Oh if you can dry out side
Wash in scent free detergent. Hang outside as long as possible , ozone works great too. It can damage elastic and rubbers by breaking them down, so use with caution.
I would try the same mix we use when a dog gets sprayed by a skunk, baking soda, dawn dish soap and Hydrogen Peroxide.