I've used several kinds of this stuff and the thing is, is I've still saw deer even when I forgot it at home. I think its more right place/right time. I use code blue, and have had good luck with it the last several gun seasons But to answer your question, yes i have used this, and yes I've had deer underneath my stand with it
IMO i think its one of the best attractants out ...tinks is very good, code blue is good... I have used tinks before and have had deer come up to it..
I have had luck and I have not had luck. Any scent has the ability to stop a deer. I have had no luck more than have had luck with scent. lol But I will say this there are two scents I had the deer stick their nose right to it. First time was Tinks 69 and was a really really old 8.5 15 point buck and he stuck his nose right into my film canister with Tinks 69 in it. Bam he was dead. Second was young 8 point and stopped to smell my Golden Esterous by Wildlife research center. Those are the only two times out of many that I can say Scent grabbed the curiosity of the deer. I can't say I wouldn't have gotten a shot if I was using no scent because they were both in range already.
Same here. I've used Tink's alot more than Code Blue, but both will work if they are in the right place at the right time.