After a very exciting and at the same time a very disappointing 2009 season pertaining to a particular buck It's time to see If I can spot this guy and see If he's still around. Yesterday I put 4 trail cams out. No I didn't get any mocks going Troy, I forgot to grab the stuff on my way out the door. Anyhow 3 of these cams are on field edges where I think he traveled last year while still In his summer patterns. I could be wrong on where I thought he traveled last year early In the year so we'll see but I think I'm pretty close with my thoughts. The only good thing about me not getting this particular buck last year was that when I tracked him for 2 days after I wounded him I saw where he was living early In the year by all of the big beds I found. Kind of hoping he's doing the same this year. What I'm really wondering Is what's he going to look like this year? Or maybe I should say did he make It through the winter, spring and early summer months so far from getting smoked on the road? The last time I saw him was the 18th of December and he looked a little on the skinny side but chances are that was from the rut rather then my arrow wound In his shoulder or a combination of both. If he's still kicking yet and still living In the area he lived In last year what do you all think he'll throw for a rack? Here are pictures from 2008 and 2009. I'm pretty sure I got pics from 2007 of him too as a 2.5 year old but can't seem to find them right now. In 2007 he was an 8 point. In 2008 he was still an 8 point but grew much wider. In 2009 he went to a 10 point and also added a kicker off of his G2 on his right side. While putting the trail cams out I found 2 good sized tracks on different ends of the property. It was tough to tell If they were the same buck or not, very similar In size and shape. Both of these spots have cams on them. So what you think he'll do this year for a rack? Man am I excited this year!! 2008 (3.5 year old) 2009 (4.5 year old)
Steve, I remember that buck and your story with him last year. I sure hope you 2 meet again and this time it has a happy ending. Best of luck with your buck.
Yup, hope he is still out there Steve, be great to kill him this year, he should be a real hawg if he's still around.
Man Steve, I really hope you track him down and kill him this year! What a story that would be after it was all said and done. GOOD luck.
Good luck, Steve! I remember the close encounters you had with him last season, this year is your year!