So me and my buddy teach.... We have a great spot, but we dont get off work till 2:30, grab our gear and head out. The spot is about 30 minutes the time we get out in the woods over there is about 4:00 to 4:15....which it gets dark at 5:45 6ish... We were walking in last night..and saw the buck we have been trying to get a shot at. He was seriously 10 yards from our stand, walking nice and slow through the woods...we sat on the ground..tried grunting, but ended up spooking him....upset me big time. I would of had a great shot at this deer, if it wasnt for us getting out there alittle earlier....but ..what can you do, work is work... Do you guys have this problem as well? Should we not take these chances on going in late, or just wait until the weekend to hunt it...because hopefully we didnt spook this deer into the next county...We did eventually get set up , saw a few does, but no bucks last night, which seem to be a perfect night to be in the stand... I think were gonna just start waiting and goin on the weekends, because we are bumping deer in and out of our spots...
I have no choice but to only hunt weekends. It sucks let me tell you, especially this time of year when the bucks are after the ladies. My spot is an hour away and I get off work at 3:00.
That's a tough, tough call. Nothing can beat time in the woods and, when short on it, its hard to turn down those oppurtunities. But, when hunting mature bucks, it won't take too many times bumping them and they won't be back!
daylight saving messes me up too! i just try and hunt as hard as i can before it sets in. plus a ton of traffic to get home when i get outta the stand now too! ugggggggggh
if your hunting for a specific buck or trophy buck, i'd say it's too risky. if your happy shooting any buck or just about any buck then i say go for it, you can't get em if your not out there. good luck
Before the time change...I'm golden. I have enough time to get to my stand a two and a half hours before it gets dark. As soon as we "fall back" I only get to hunt weekends I feel your pain
its to hard to say no too.... especially when you know there moving and your seeing deer on the trail cameras...
yup the time change limits my spots I can get to after work, but I can still hunt daily if I have everything ready to go the night before and bust home after work.