What's everyone thinking? I'm not sure. How we should do it. I can't get on much only on tapatalk until Internet gets turned on at my new house btw. Sent from iPhone
Several have found some since. I say next saturday it starts. First posted shed wins! Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
I'm fine with that. First one to find one or most in the 5 day? If others agree I think that is the most fair way to go about it. Sent from iPhone
There is not a chance in HE** that I will find one unless I run it over with my truck and sticks in my tire.
I didn't even think of that. I'm fond of that. If people like that we will go with that. If not looks like consensus is well go to scoring. Sent from iPhone
Tom beat me it, I was thinking jus carrying it over too. I would think itd be pretty had to find many more sheds. I know around here you'd haveta pretty much find it by accident with the way everything has greened up. I'm good with whatever tho, outta the 5 I found all year I don't imagine I'd help out on much ha.
I would say either carry it to next year or whichever team finds the most from now until December 1st wins. Because sometimes I will find some during deer season or along the river in the summer.
The final verdict is we have a tie and both teams carry on to fight over the title next year! Sent from iPhone