I think the point fatsbucknut was trying to point out can be summed up in the following link (obtain from a 1 minute internet search). Which basically notes that the distribution of this fly is typically the southeastern US. It is a tropical fly so it is less likely to be found in the Northern States of the US. I also hope you realize that University faculty such as the Penn State staff do perform research outside of their state and in some cases even study areas or species from other countries. http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/livestock/deer_ked.htm scientific name: Lipoptena mazamae Distribution This fly is an obligate parasite of white-tailed deer and red brocket deer (Mazama americana) . It occurs on white-tailed deer throughout Florida and the southeastern United States north at least to Virginia and Oklahoma (Kocan 2003) and south through Panama in Central America and as far south as northeastern Brazil (Neotropical and southern Nearctic regions) (Bequaert 1942). It also occurs on red brocket deer from Mexico to northern Argentina (Bequaert 1942).