Here's the deal. Over Christmas my 2.5 year old daughter got a bad ear Infection. Momma (Jenny) had to take 3 days of work off being our daughter spiked a temp of 102 degree's for 3 days straight and was vomiting alot from the medication the doctor prescribed for her (side effect). One of them 3 days I was working hauling milk otherwise I was home also. Her employer Is throwing a fit about her missing them days and says next time she better have a back up plan. I told Jenny no job Is as Important as the health of our daughter. I would've stayed home with our daughter but she was absolutely miserable with the high temps and the puking and the only person our daughter wanted anything to do with was her mom. As a business owner I can understand the frustration's of an employer when employee's can't make It Into work but when stuff like this happens and It's legit I tell the employee do what you gotta do, family comes 1st. After hearing all of this from Jenny (she called from work on her break this morning) I told her If he her boss wants to call me he's more then welcome too. He will get an ear full In a hurry and If It cost's her a job so be It. I don't go for this BS!!!! One thing I'll add also. The last time Jenny took time off from work because our daughter was sick was over a year ago. It would be different and understandable If this sort of the thing was happening all of the time but that Is the farthest thing from It.
Steve, in most work places there are clear policies about taking leave for a sick loved one. As long as she followed those policies in regard to explicitly stating she is taking care of her daughter and how long she would be out of work, there is nothing he can do. If he continues to make comments about her taking leave for a severely ill child, then it is called harassment. And tell the boss this..MOMs are the back up plan. If you have a copy of the leave policy at her work, just post it on here so I can analyze it.
Everything was followed Brett as far as work policies. A doctors note also was handed In to her employer this morning. The thing Is he hasn't a clue what goes on In circumstances like this. His wife Is a stay at home mom so they/he has never had this problem when their kids are sick. Thanks Brett!!
I work when I'm sick because I have to. I only get 7 months a year I cant waste days. That beeing said If I had to report to someone and they didnt understand that one of my boys needed me. I really mean needed me. I would tell them to get bent in a hert beat!
My boss can't say a damn thing about attendance. His 2 alchaholic sons are never there. One averaged 8.8 hours per week last year and the other averaged 10.1 hours per week. And they both are still employed, with full benefits. Sorry to hear about your girlfriends trouble Steve, it can be a pain.
If he were to act "fire" for that reason and nothing else... you guys might own two businesses by the time it's over. Sorry to hear about that.
That guy sounds like a tool. As long as she's following protocol, they cant touch her. Does she belong to a union?
No, none union job. Jenny told her employer to call me (he knows I own a business) but he said no to her after she called me. He knows who I am and I'm sure he knows what's going to come out of my mouth. Hopefully no more comments will be made to Jenny and this can be left alone and then maybe my temperature can go down, It was boiling hot before and still sizzling now.
Sorry to hear that. If she followed the policies, he can talk tough but really, that's about it. As much as you want to give them a piece of your mind, it might be best to not fan the flames too much. I feel for her. I really don't miss having to 'go' to work. In fact I got a birthday card from my work HQ today and there are 11 signatures on it. I met one of the people, otherwise, for all I know the rest of the signatures and names are just made up. We don't meet or even talk to each other. It's strange but I like the autonomy of it. Previously, I did have to 'go' to work, even if I were sick. Of course, I didn't have any kids to take care of.
This really should be cut and dried. How many days "off" does she get? How many had she taken (prior to staying out w/ your daughter)? How many sick days does she get? How many had she taken (prior to staying out w/ your daughter)? How many "personal" days does she get? How many had she taken (prior to staying out w/ your daughter)? How much (if any) "notice" does she have to give, to take her "personal" days - (if applicable)? How much did she give (again, if applicable)? To MANY employers, protocol being followed is what assures the harmony among employees (no favoritism exhibited). IS he breaking from (stated) protocol?
I feel ya Steve. That kind of BS hacks me off to the moon. I could give a flying rat's axx what an employer feels, thinks, or has as protocol. If I have taken every available day off that I can, and a family emergency arises, I will take care of family first, job second.
So will/would I. Bobby. But I also wouldn't be surprised when breaching said protocol got me fired (NOT saying this happened in Steve's girlfriend's case). If you leave emotion out of this, it's really cut and dried. If.... Then.....
We have so many guys I would fire at my work if I had the power of the pen. They call out so much and so often at the worst times that it is a clear pattern of abuse. And that is a part of our county's personnel policy in regards to abuse of leave if a pattern has been clearly established by the employee. After talking with them in a private setting and letting them know that I was onto them, they would get one warning, then would be fired the next time it happened.
Not 100% sure what she gets for vacation time but I believe It's a week. She used them all up. I'm not sure what she gets a year for sick leave (5 days maybe?), haven't a clue. Prior to our daughter getting this ear Infection she took 3 sick days off In 2009 for herself and 3 days off for our daughter having the flu early In the year In 2009. Don't know If she even gets personal time, I'm thinking she don't. Is he breaking protocol? I don't know. This Is a small company (5 employee's or so) that she's a secretary for. She's the only secretary there and the only one that knows whats going on with the book work and I think that's why the frustration Is showing It's face from one of the 2 owners of the company.
That's ridiculous sorry to hear that. I own a business and have seen just about everything from employees. There's legit times to "flex your muscles" and let employees know the deal and then there's not legit times. An employees family emergency is definitely NOT the time. I would have made my employee take the time off instead of them asking for it. I wouldn't care about sick days, personal days, vacation days etc..... If there was problem with one of my employees family members that he/she had to take time off work, so be it. I'd cover for them myself until they can come back. Give her boss a slap upside the head for me.