I think part of what isn't lining up is he waited til the next morning to recover the deer. They then recover it but take no pics of it until after dark. Then when pressed as to why he stated he wanted better pics from a better camera. Call me crazy but I'm snapping pics of that thing with my cell phone, regardless of quality. I went and read a lot of chat rooms last night and a common thread that appeared is that some guy who was hunting that buck had cell cam pics of it like 15 miles away.....hours before. Who knows. Hope he killed it legally.
None of that interests me but obviously some are willing to sell out for some perceived short term gain. None of that will provide long term happiness. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That Keith Snyder guy bought the number 1 buck from here in Maryland. Funny because in MD has a law, you can't sell or buy any parts of a MD deer. So what they did was a long term lease agreement. Have heard it was a 6 figure deal, but that was just a rumor. They way CJ was pimping out the buck anyway he could and trying to get money from it, kind of tells me it was poached. He has no connection to it and just a money thing. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
When I shot my big buck, I never had a game warden come to check it out. The pictures were all over the place within days. The property I shot it on was sold that month after they found out that buck was shot on it. The property went for millions. Crazy thing bucks do to people. I have a game warden that I talk to once and awhile and talk deer with. He told me a couple called me in and said I poached the deer also. I know who they were and know they were pissed I was the one who shot it. The game warden knew me and that I wouldn't do that, so was never questioned about it. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
That’s a shame what people do when a big big deer is killed, people I know get butt hurt when good deer are killed just bc they have em on camera. I hope for this guys sake it’s legit. We shall see!
Bunch of internet detectives, just looked quick on search engine. If people put this much time into life they would all be very very successful
Definitely are people out there to get you because of jealousy. In your case, the CO had no reason to suspect you or confiscate anything. I feel like it takes some pretty substantial evidence for the DNR to confiscate everything involved in a hunt instead of believing baseless therories.
There was a 200” buck killed within a couple miles of my house. I used to hunt waterfowl on that property for nothing. In a year or two It was leased to some guys from Michigan for 10’s of thousands of dollars. Pretty sure they are gone now because there was nothing special about that property. People are weird… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's real bad here. Most large farms on the water here go for 25k - 30k per year. Ducks, deer, turkey. And when I say large farm, it's 300 - 400 acres, so not that large. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I'm not kidding. When I shot that big one, the owner sent the pic to a guy. Think he offered like 2.5 million for the property. They sold it all within that same month I shot it. It does happen. Keep your hopes high! Haha Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Wow that is unreal, people are idiots hahah. Biggest I killed was 145” on the prop. Not looking good…..
It is crazy what some people say or do when it comes to 200 inch deer. I had people I didn't know or tell about my buck saying that I killed their deer and were seriously pissed about it. Amazing how fast smoke on the water travels.
I guess there was a 200 class killed near me recently with a muzzleloader. I saw a picture. Supposedly it was killed 10 minutes from my house and I guarantee that aint true. 200 class buck around here is rare as hens teeth. Should be interesting to see the fallout around it. I'll just keep smoking mediocre bucks. Seems like a headache to kill a monster.
Actually I read the DNR report..presser they put out. in link on original post. All they said was no written permission was gotten. The link is right in original post. Now this would be a jumping the gun on their part if more evidence was found.
My friend shot his 170" buck early November on a property near town that five families had permission to hunt. Nobody ever hunted it because no big deer had ever been shot there. Pictures made their rounds that night after recovery and the very next day, there wasn't a single stand on the property open. What is even crazier is one of the kids shot a 150" in the same field. Now everyone is hunting it non-stop.