As I sat in my stand today, I realized I haven't seen a single 1.5 y/o buck this year between my place and Dans. I've seen to date 1x that I believe was 4.5 (saw tonight, wrong spot right time), 2x that I thInk were 3.5, and 2x more that were likely 2.5. 6 years of passing little ones into my place and almost 10 at dans seems to finally be makng a difference. Last year this time I thought it was an impossible feat, but I really think we have drastically changed both the buck/doe ratio, and our bucks age structure. One more day in PA, both dan and I saw slammers today at less than 50 yards, hopefully we can get it done tomorrow before we pack it up and head to NY for the rest of the weekend. The bucks seem to back out cruising today, Dan saw one at 11am, I saw that 4.5 at 4pm. Hope you all are out there enjoying the woods!!
Matt, did you guys pull those stands? I should have stayed last night and hunted one more day with ya'll but then again, I would have missed that stand off with my bears. LOL.