Take a lesson from Mrs. Palin.... Helicopters, and full auto! lol. Just playin'. I'm sure there is a way to get rid of them... THere has to be. Hell, people have been gettin' rid of things all through history, right? Buffalo, Eagles, falcons, the NVA... It all comes down to a popularity thing. FInd something that the "People" want them for, and <<BAM!>> you got a population control similar to a tsunami. No?
Quite often getting rid of them comes down to access. Many farmers complain about the damage hogs do but when asked for permission to hunt them they want $$$$$. Why not allow access and have your problem taken care of. I just don't understand that mentality. We can do each other a favor, why must you make a profit? I'm glad I have some places to hog hunt that I don't have to worry about paying $50 or more per pig.
you mean like this??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiHmYsyVniE not sure where Craig went either LA or MS
Our problem out here is legal repercussions should someone get hurt. There are cane fields out here as far as the eye can see and the owners are always complaining about hogs damaging the crops. They had a few articles last year about it. I stopped by one of the owners houses and asked him if he needed some help getting rid of them. He stated that he couldn't because if someone got hurt, he would be afraid to get sued. I said "ok... good luck with getting rid of those hogs then". I do have a buddy that lives down the road from my parents that owns a ton of land and an alligator farm/swamp tour that is overrun with hogs he and told me that I am welcome at any time to go slay hogs with my bow. He said that after the kill I can either clean them or toss em in the gator pens... I wouldn't mind cleaning a few but killing them for practice, just to feed the gators for free and lower the population of hogs on his land sounds like just as good of an idea. With feral pigs, the population doubles every four months. A sow and a boar hog will turn into four pigs in four months, 8 pigs in eight months, 16 pigs in 12 months, 32 in 16 months, 64 in 20 months, 128 in 24 months, 256 in 28 months, 512 in 32 months, 1024 in 36 months, 2048 in 40 months, 4096 in 44 months, 8192 in 48 months... Starting with two pigs... 8,192 possible pigs in 48 months (4 years...) some pigs live up to EIGHT years in the wild. ...luckily most pigs live only 4-5 years in the wild due to hunting, predators and disease.
Hog hunting with dogs is big down here too. Some guys will catch em and transport them to different ground basically relocating them or catch and release like he did just to work their dogs and because its fun!! Most guys catch em and kill em with a knife. If I caught a boar that big I wouldnt eat it!! Them things are Nasty!! Id kill it and get the tusks cause the population is so huge that they are considered pests here. You need about a 50-100 lb sow or a Bar hog. Now thats good eatin!!