I've had a rough year but managed to take this buck with my bow. I thought you guys might want to see the rack? I'll add some photos to my album when I get the chance. I hope you all had a good season.
Yes Sir and that's an actual Mathews Z7 it is laying on. It pretty well carried 25" of mass per side with several 6.5" measurements a couple 6" and the smallest was 5.5. It also carried 25.5" main beams but the tines were short (25" per side) because of the webbing. It was also difficult to determine exactly where to start measuring the tines off the main beam. I just drew an imaginary line between the lowest gaps on the main beams and measured up the outside of the tine starting from my imaginary line. I thought the rack was very heavy so I weighed myself at 192# and then weighed myself holding the rack at 201#. Sort of an unscientific way of weighing it but it feels about 8-9 # when you hold it.