I'd say that buck is pretty close to grossing a legit 200". It reminds me a lot of my Dad's deer that he shot a couple years ago that scored 196" gross.
I'm always usually conservative scoring. I gave the buck 29" MB's. I use the ear also, but I use the inside of the ear to the tip and call it 6". My rule of thumb for spread is tip to tip ear measurements. 2 1/2s are 16", 3 1/2s are 17" and 4 1/2+ are 18". Then I just see where the antler lays and add that to the ear tip to tip measurement. Example: A 3 1/2 that is dead even with his ears is a 17" spread. A 4 1/2 that has 1" outside the ears would be a 20" spread. It works for me. BTW I gave that buck a 24" spread.
Jordan is close to 209 He has 15'' more mass, I agree This ohio buck has at least 4'' on each beam and at least 2'' wider Put him around 199, BM was right, LOL Why doubt him
Alright here's a couple pictures of my Dad's buck that scored 196" gross for comparison. Inside spread was 24 3/8", Main beams were 28 2/8". H measurements added up to be 34 6/8". Mine is the smaller buck :D I think the buck in the trail cam has a little longer tines and a tad more mass which should push it over 200"
I came in at 189 and that was giving him 26" Main beams and a 25" spread and I'm guessing I'm conservative. Edit: Oh and to quote buckeye, Holy #*#&*(%(
If you guys remember this blog it might be a good comparison. http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/image.axd?picture=rich1.jpg, If I remember correctly, the main beams on these sheds are 32" and 33" and the deer was thought to have a 24-26" spread. Estimate when the pair was measured was 218 Gross and around 207 Net.