I've got a black ice that I got new in 08. I thought it was pretty quiet and today I was shooting with a buddy who has a mathews switchback. Man, his bow is leaps and bounds quieter than mine. He really doesn't have anything beyond the factory dampeners on it either. So here's my set up. It did not come with the factory suppressor from diamond. I added the mathews aftermarket one to it (can't remember what it's called). It has the limbsaver super leeches in the string. I do not have limbsavers on the limbs but it came new with some on it, the ones with the little finger looking things on them. I personally don't see how these keep from hitting each other and creating noise. It has the limbsaver stabilizer on it. That's about it for dampening. I also tried a thumb release today and it seemed a little quieter. I use a scott mongoose at the present time and don't know if this has anything to do with the noise. The noise seems to be more of a slapping/popping sound. The string is barely touching the supressor (sp) and I didn't know if I might need to adjust it out just a fraction or if I need to leave it be. Someone please help me get this thing quieter.
I shoot a Diamond Marquis with 2 string leeches by limbsaver, 2 factory diamond cable suppressors, a s-coil stabilizer, and the libsavers on the limbs. Mine is as quite as can be.
what GMMAT said... a heavy arrow will quiet that thing down big time... the black ice is (should be) every bit as quiet as the switchback, if not more so...
Jeff may have just nailed it. Draw weights along with arrow weights will make a big effect on the noise of the bow. Also, make sure that all of your screws/bolts are tight on every part of the bow and check to make sure it is still in spec (a.t.a. and brace height) along with draw weight.
That's what I've been told. Could it be the supressor slapping the string or wait, reverse that. The string slapping the supressor?
Jeff I really don't know. I know that's not a good answer but I don't. I shoot a 100 grain tip but need to have the complete arrow weighed.
imho, not likely, but doesn't mean that's not a possibility... easy way to check it to remove it... :D
I have to use a tube. Used to have the G5 peep but my string kept twisting. I plan on replacing the string with a Vapor Trail after this season but I can't put the G5 back in until then. I think it may be part of the problem especially after I put the silicone tube on it. It's quite a bit bigger than the one that came with the peep. Thanks for all your help and the info on the arrow weight. So do I just take the grams per inch and multiply it by the overall length and add the tip weight for the total arrow weight?
I also have the 4inch wraps on the arrows. Don't know if this figures into the equation for the weight.
Take off the peep tubing, shoot a heavier arrow, make sure everything is tight... this may require using the removable loctite in some places. I personally would get rid of the Matthews string suppressor and either get the right one or leave it off. Put limb savers on it if you took the original dampeners off.
I'm sorry, I shoud have been more clear on the suppressor. It's the Arrow Web Dead End. It's just made by Mathews not the ones that come on their bows from the factory. I went by my local pro shop today and my guy there had me put a 125 grain tip on my arrows and it actually helped alot. I had no idea that the tip weight had anything to do with the sound. I guess that's why I don't get paid to work on bows. BTW, I also shot the Reezen 6.5 today. I'm a fan of Mathews bows but UGH, this thing felt terrible. It was very heavy in the front and the draw wasn't as smooth as I thought it should be for one of their bows.
Take the peep tubing off and see if that eliminates your noise. You can reinstall it afterward. Dip the end that goes onto your peep stud in alcohol first and it will slide right back on. This will tell you right away if the peep tubing is the culprit. (I would bet it is) Also, check all bolts on your bow to make sure all are tight. This is good to do every few times you shoot.
I don't notice a LOT of extra noise from my TUBED peep, but I may just be missing it, as I can't hear worth a damn anyhow. But if you don't have GOOD strings, I'd certainly keep the tubed peep.
Yeah, I think I'm going to have to for now. I don't want to make a change this close to season opening. I know "they" say the strings are pre stretched and I'm sure they have been but I just am too confident in my bow right now to do this. I may try shooting it with they tube off the peep.
Keep in mind that this will still be a bit noisy. The tip where you attach the tube will create noise all on it's own, but it should still be an improvement.
While a heavier arrow will quiet a setup, unless you are shooting 5gpp and you buddy is shooting 8 or 9 gpp, I don't think that that alone could be the curprit of your bow being "loud." I have shoot the BI quite a bit, every chance I can, and loud isn't something that comes to mind. Be that as it may, the SwitchBack is a quiet bow as well. If I was in your shoes, I would be checking all of the accessories and the set screws on the cam, specifically your draw mod screws. People tend not have put thread tight like material in them when they set their bow up and thus they come loose. From there, I would check the STS, it may be too close OR to far away from final string position. After that, then I would look into the tubing. Good luck. I would not push it aside, the BI is not a loud bow, something is off.