IDK much about it maybe that's why I am worried. They are asking questions like is this the one to kill millions. What do we do?
They said the same thing about the bird flu, it just the media hype! This swine flu is actually treatable!
The internet will scare you to death if you let it... or media in general as bhf mentioned... I've always had a big problem with worrying over things like that.... I'm not terribly worried, like bhf said it's media hype and actually they have two different drugs that are effective against it.
What I would highly suggest is for EVERYONE to go get a flu test... ESPECIALLY if you live in Southern Illinois (anywhere below Mt. Vernon on down to the very tip) and Southeat Missouri. Heck, probably wouldn't hurt to go get two of them. :d
Actually, Matt... any regular flu kit that tests for flu A & B will pick it up... so, yes! Get yer flu tests now!! Geeeeeet yer flu tests!!!! :d Oh wait! You said vaccines... don't know anything about vaccines. But ... get yer flu tests!!!!! LOL
My oldest brother just canceled his trip to Mexico today. He was set to leave next Monday. My wife and I have been looking at a Mexico vacation this year too.. but not no more.. which actually works more in favor of me.. since I wanted to go to Colorado anyway. A little fly-fishing.. LOTS O' brewery's... whats not to love. I hope they can contain this thing.
It had a survival rate of over 90% in Mexico (a place not exactly known for its top-notch health care) We've had 1 case in OH and it was beat by a 9 year old kid. Pop a good multivitamin and turn the news off
The latest from the CDC (Center for Disease Control)... Situation in the United States As of 1:00 PM ET on April 27, 2009, CDC has confirmed 40 human cases of swine flu in the United States: California: 7 cases Kansas: 2 cases New York City: 28 cases Ohio: 1 case Texas: 2 cases Of these 40 cases, there have been zero deaths. Only one has been hospitalized. All 40 have fully recovered. For more information, please see the CDC Swine Flu website. Situation in Mexico At this time, CDC recommends that U.S. travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Mexico. As of April 27, 2009, the Government of Mexico has reported 18 laboratory confirmed human cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 infection. Investigation is continuing to clarify the spread and severity of the disease in Mexico. Suspect clinical cases have been reported in 19 of the country's 32 states. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Alert and Response Network (GOARN), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have sent experts to Mexico to work with health authorities. CDC has confirmed that seven of 14 respiratory specimens sent to CDC by the Mexican National Influenza Center are positive for swine influenza virus and are similar to the swine influenza viruses recently identified in the United States. On April 25, the WHO Director-General declared this event a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the rules of the International Health Regulations. CDC and state public and animal health authorities are currently investigating 20 cases of swine flu in humans in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, and New York City. Some of the U.S. cases have been linked to travel to Mexico. CDC is concerned that continued travel by U.S. travelers to Mexico presents a serious risk for further outbreaks of swine flu in the United States. For more information, please see the full Travel Health Warning for Mexico posted on April 27, 2009. What You Can Do to Stay Healthy There are everyday actions people can take to stay healthy. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. Try to avoid close contact with sick people. Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people. If you get sick, CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
Me too, and I don't even live down there We can have an open Candadian Boarder though, they have good hunting and fishing....and it's real close:evil:
More updates and info... United States public health officials have declared a public health emergency in response to confirmed human cases of swine influenza identified in multiple states. Details of the outbreak investigation and public health response are changing rapidly and the number of identified cases is likely to increase. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 11 million courses of antiviral medication are on route to the affected states. HIDA continues to monitor the outbreak and its potential impact on the supply chain. HIDA is continuously updated with information regarding the outbreak investigation and public health recommendations as a member of the Materials Management Subcommittee with the Department of Homeland Security's Healthcare Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC). We will keep members apprised of information as it is made available regarding medical materials, state stockpiles, and distribution demand. For additional information on swine flu and other emergency preparedness resources, visit: CDC's Swine Flu Web page: Flu Supply News: HIDA's Emergency Preparedness Product Formulary: Preparedness1&CONTENTID=7111&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm HIDA's Emergency Preparedness Web page: 1&Template=/TaggedPage/TaggedPageDisplay.cfm&TPLID=15&ContentID=7098
If you resemble a pig, as a human of course, are you more prone to catching it? I saw a few people on campus today that may need to stay indoors.
If so, all we need is some kind of Bear disease. Then they will have no problem killing off the Man-Bear-Pig. It would be some kind of triple threat!.
They suspect the swine flu made it's first appearance in MN. Not far from us time to bath my kids every hour in alcohol.
Another update... officials warn against this type of behavior!! Take precautionary measures!!! :d Funny thing... just as I was opening this thread to make this post, one of my purchasing managers at a large hospital called all frantic wondering if we had enough stock of flu kits.. They're going to start running a kit on every single person who presents with a fever; gotta love that protocol!!! :d