Last year when I went down to shed hunt my lease, I ran into the farmers brother and he told me that I should see the rack some one found while mushroom hunting. The guy showed the brother the rack and he told him he could keep it. Needless to say I was not happy. We are lucky and have not found any one hunting on the property but mushroom and shed hunting it is a disaster. There are so many spots someone can walk on I have not been able to fix the problem yet. Here is the rack the guy found.
That is an awesome deer, it sucks you did not get the chance to recover it. Most of my hunting spots are at least a 30 minute drive away so I cannot keep extremely good tabs on every piece. I hate this time of the year because I am purposely staying out of my good shed areas and it bugs me knowing that some trespasser could come and cherry pick it without me even knowing. I've caught a few people on surprise visits to my spots. You always try to be the nice guy, but like everyone is saying around here lately, you just have to make an example out of someone to get your point across. I think the next time it happens, I won't be so nice. The only reason I am nice is because most likely these trespassers live right by the property and if you piss them off they can retaliate very easy since I don't live close by. Its a crappy situation.
Have you talked to the property owner about the specifics of your lease agreement? At the very least you should be able to coordinate with the mushroom hunters to minimize their impact on your lease. Who knows... you guys may even become friends and you could get some free mushroom hunting experience. I still wish you could've gotten the deer yourself with your bow.
I'm assuming you lease and don't have complete hunting rights. Probably deer hunting only. Many farmers wouldn't understand your frustration with shed hunting. They probably don't see the same value that you or I would with sheds. I could be off, and maybe you have already discussed with the farmer. If not, then just talk to him. Nice looking rack though and I'm sure you'll have his genetics running around.