All you guys had to go and get sweet new bows, and now you got my wheels turning...again. I was back to surfing some sites last night looking over some T/D longbows. There are a couple really nice makers out there. About a year ago I came close to pulling the trigger before trading for a T/D recurve. It's nice and all, but I am still wanting a T/D longbow. Peer pressure! :evil:
Tell me about it. I was fine and dandy a few weeks ago, now I'm browsing sites and drooling over $1,000 bows :huh: I got lucky and I'm actually about to buy one of my old bows back.
Nice! Down where you said you were thinking of putting one? Are you still going to hit your other really good bear spot?
Yup Rybo, the bear bait needs to go up the creek about 300 yards from that maple tree/old farmstead down in the bottom, all of those finger ridges spill down into that creek bottom up that creek. Shed hunted all of "Martins" brushy stuff last night and did pretty decent. Perfect conditions right now, snow is gone on that south, no leafs or green up yet.. it was great for seeing, I found a couple last night that I would have never seen if it was two or three weeks down the road when the green up starts.. yup I will hit my bear-city spot once the snow in the high country mellows out enough to get through the pass...probably mid May ..