Not that there is anyone in Govt you are probably happy with at this point..........guys like this need to be watched CLOSELY.
So.. let me understand this properly. An animal.. with no imposable thumbs has to pick up a pen.. then file a lawsuit based on his claims? How would you draw a jury from it's own peers I wonder?
"Martosko told Beck, "When you embrace this whole utilitarian idea, guess what else comes in the back door? Some animals, according to Singer, are worth more than some humans. A smart border collie, he says, is worth more, inherently, than a retarded child. … Cass Sunstein has embraced the whole enchilada. … He believes that animals should have some of the same rights as humans, in fact, greater rights than some people – including the right to follow lawsuits."
Post-deermatic stress, that's really original. I like it. We all would better off if they open a hunting season on Liberals.
Is this guy serious!!?? I would like to see the plantiff....a B&C buck and a wild turkey on the podium. Unbelievable....
If they want to do that we just post the properties with signs that say tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again. He wants to give animals the same rights as humans, well then we have the right to post the property in such a
Good luck getting anyone to get on board with that. I can see Obama's re-election campaign slogan now: "America, the land of the free (unless you want to eat meat)"
What a nut bag! The guy is a Harvard professor.Very scary that this person is shaping the minds of students.
amen, and in the "worlds" eyes the finest of students.. Obama; wtf is next. Nothing suprises me with this guy.
So true, this guy has passed way over that line. I'm sure he has a $350 pair of Italian leather shoes on with his business suit. But, no cows were harmed in the manufacturing process.:D