We need a 2 term limit on more Politicians in Washington than just the President, that would be a great start..
You mean to tell me I can come to SC, give them your name and address and vote for you without an ID? And if your state is as red as you were bragging about it being in an earlier post you need to check the votes. You will find that the D L got passed because of republicans, even if a Dem proposed it.
I live in NC.....and ALL you have to do here is go in and give your name. Yes. You could go in and tell the you're me and vote. NO ID REQUIRED at the polling precincts. Crazy, huh? WHY in the world would politicians be against having to provide proper identification to vote? This is crazy and they need to get it fixed.
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans -- -- unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing" / - Karl Rove, senior advisor for George W. Bush, "The Daily Texan", March 19, 2001
Too much of a good thing being that people are doing better, or too much of a good thing that people are educated? I don't see how either one of those can be too much of a good thing. I also know that when people that AREN'T doing well, regardless of whether or not it's their own doings, generally vote democratic because they will benefit from the majority of democratic policy.
You would think so, but as I pointed out on the map you posted earlier people in northern Michigan are to ignorant to help themselves come election time. Hell look at the tax partys that are going on around the Country today, I would bet money that more than 90% of the people that attend are to fricken stuped to understand they are getting a break instead of an increase. All thay know is that a Black man is calling the shots, and it chaps their ass.