Dang it, I forgot to use grammar check! Scott, please PM me with the numerous grammar errors you are referring to which my posts are "full of". In the meantime I am going to see if my Blackberry has spelling and grammar check.
How to lie with maps comes to mind:d It looks a little different when other parameters are factored in other than who merely won each area (how much was it won by, etc.) This map here is from Bush's 2004 election.
All these maps are hurting my head. Everyone knows these are the real maps... The democrats see our nation as.... And the republicans see us as this.. C'mon... lighten up.. it was funny.:d
Here are some of the Midwest/Northern States won by Obama: Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Does this part of the country not count for anything in the "people's choice"? FYI...I'm neither a democrat or republican
Note to self: When making a decision to relocate, do not consider above states ... ..... Kentucky here I come
and Muslims in the day and age have got to stick together. Disrespecting the Arabian king as a Muslim is a BAD thing to do, thus the "Bow." I still believe he's a Muslim(He was raised a Muslim until past his 10th birthday, and the formative years are in the first 5), and could very likely be the Anti-Christ, unfortunately, there were a bunch of very ignorant people who didn't see him for what he is/was during the campaign. I blame Republicans who supported McCain during the primaries, and the media who misportrayed so much. McCain should have played Jeremiah Wright OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER. I can assure you that I would have, because if that man is his "father-figure" and his "spiritual counselor," then he has a flawed character, and a flawed spirit. Anyone who spent over 20yrs in that church would have to share those same sentiments, otherwise they would have found a different place to worship. Then again, much of what Wrigth spewed forth sounded like he was half-Muslim, and I never heard much of a "Christian" side of him. As far as Bush goes, we may not have the economy we'd have liked, but we kept the terrorists busy for 7 yrs after they pulled of the 9-11 attacks, and we've killed a large number of them, and began righting overturned ships in Afghanistan and Iraq, restored people's rights, etc. And the deficit he left us after 8 yrs is likely to be more than doubled in Obama's first year, and much of that money is going to "Fluff" spending. $20 million dollars to research a 3 mile highway in Cleveland, Ohio???? Hell for $20million dollars you could just build the damned thing!!!!! IDIOTS running this country right now, complete IDIOTS!!!!!
Just a simple choropleth map depicting which counties were won by whom with darker colors indicating a larger percentages of votes held by a given candidate.
Weakening those who do give, weakening the non-profit org's so you can swing in your Socialism. The poor who now aren't getting the aid from the non-profit org's will be all for it. Those politicians who's fan-base is these lower class needy, ENSLAVED to the system types will have job-security, and the viscious cycle will destroy what was once a GREAT NATION. Our military is about to start crumbling as I believe recruitments will be significantly down with Obama in office, and if they aren't down, the main reason they won't be down is because the economy is so poor. Bad economy is good for the military recruitment stations, because a guaranteed job, paycheck, 3 square and roof over your head are only guaranteed a few places in this country, and one only rates you for a semi-private 8x10 "barred" enclosure.
GMMAT, Ok, I'll accept that conservatives donate more annual than liberals. But, now, have any arguments as to why this is so?
I'd like to get the Republican point of view on some things here and remember I consider myself Independent. There are some things I like about both parties and things I don't. How can we not raise anyone's taxes given the huge deficit which was run up by the Bush Administration? How can we stimulate the economy (almost all economists agree this is necessary and Bush's administration was the first to do this) without spending any money? The proposed higher taxes for the "rich" would be in line with the Reagan years. SO WAS RONALD REAGAN A SOCIALIST TOO? I believe that most people's taxes will need to be raised at some point to get the deficit under control. This hopefully would not happen until the economy picks up. History shows that Republicans run up larger deficits. Yet they cry when anyone talks about actually having to start paying these down. Keeping taxes low during high deficits is like making minumum payments on a credit card.
Personally I don't think you'll find many Conservatives that were not disappointed with Bush's economic policy. Cooter here's you a chart to chew on...http://www.ntu.org/main/page.php?PageID=19 The top tax rate when Regan was elected was 70% it was down to 28% in his last year. He also reduced the number of tax brackets from 15 to 5 during his presidency. Exactly! A President can't spend it without congressional approval.
I voted for Bush while holding my nose. If the dems had ran someone worth a **** either time, W would have been an also ran. I'm not a fan of McCain, but BO was nothing but a gimmick in a cheap suit IMO.
Hold on a minute, you might better look at the spending Obama has proposed before you make commment. And many econommists are predicting that this sort of spending is likely to cause horrible inflation, further deepening our recession. Whether that happens or not is yet to be known, but it DOES make sens.