Typical Republican response. Lets make a deal Jeffro, Give me 2 Weeks to watch our local DHS building and if I cant get a picture of a car with a Bush, Chaney sticker on it in the lot, I will donate a 100.00 to any charity you pick. If I do get one you have to post a picture of yourself licking a window sitting on a short bus for the retarted statement above, like all card packing republicans are the only ones that pay their way, what a joke. There is a big differance between doing something for an individual or doing something for us as a country, and I know I dont need to explane that to you.
Judging by your numerous spelling errors one can see you are a product of the Democrat run school systems It is difference, not differance. Don't, not dont and of course explain, not explane. You will see what this administration and the state level governments will do soon enough, then you will feel as though you were on the short bus during the last election.
While Bush was a moron.. and a Texas cowboy when it came to diplomacy.. at least he had a spine. Yes a Mighty Big Spine when it come to someone elses son or daughter being shot. To bad he did'nt grow one till after Vietnam.
If you research this you will find that Saddam had this info leaked to make Iran think they were still sitting on a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Of course the liberal media never ran with the story but there is an FBI interrogator that reported on this when he spent time with Hussein. Hussein never thought Bush would go to the extreme he did and thought another Sr. Bush style military venture would be all he faced.
Yes, and Obama is dragging his butt on a campaign promise to get troops out of Iraq and sending more to Afghanistan to die. Get a clue and stop listening to the liberal media and the sheep herd you are flocking with
Ah yes...the people who bombed our World Trade Center. But hey...your right...fighting Iraq makes much more sense.
Well thank you so much professor for the spelling lessons. Most are not so chicken ****, but if it puffs you up go ahead, hell I'll even enter your smart ass in a spelling B if you think you can win. Why is it People like you dont ( thats how I'm spelling it today without a ' now that I see it puffs you up ) want to pay taxes for some laid off auto workers kid to go to school, yet expect me to pay for your kid to go to a private school. Explain this hypocritical crap to me will you.
Wow Cooter, great pointless point you make. How many of the guys in Afghanistan were part of the crew that bombed the Trade Center? Oh, that is right, the masterminds are all hiding in tribal Pakistan. See Cooter, once you invade a country you need to stabilize it. Obama will pull troops out of Iraq and it will fall to ill hands and then we will look back on him as the one that left Iraq to the enemy. Is it me or are some people still thawing out their brains from a brutal winter????
Silverflicker, I am no spelling grand champion. I simply look for the words with a red line under them and spell check them when needed, very simple concept. The laid off workers are their own enemies, they sat on their butt and never tried to further their potential because some Union scumbag told them they would always be taken care of. Capitalism is the art of the strongest surviving, much like the animals we hunt. Stop sitting on your butt waiting for the government to rescue you! I am off to work and then school, I am working on furthering my career so I don't have to cry about my future.
Stabilize Iraq? Is that a joke? How long do you want our troops to be there? Do you even realize Bush's administration never had an exit strategy when they invaded? Lucky for them it is someone else's mess now...how convenient. We could stay in that God forsaken country for another 100 years and not acomplish anything more than we already have. The Iraq government doesn't want the U.S. over there anymore...it's time to get the hell out. There is nothing to "win" in Iraq and we never should have been there in the first place.
Oh please, dont try looking down your nose at me with that republican attitude, I work for myself, I am sitting on my butt right now waiting for fishing season to get here in 2 weeks then I make 325.00 a day minus tips for rowing someone down the river. If that sounds like I am crying, I have mislead you. Well almost sitting on my butt, I'm working on a few custom made fly fishing nets and fly rods for clients.
Ok, so you just enjoy paying for others to sit on their butt then? BTW, I have no idea how the statement in bold is in anyway relevant to the discussion.
Well read it again. There was a delusional assumption made by a republican that I was sitting on my ass while he was paying my bills. Ha Ha, now that you got your feet wet, school me.
Yeah, I got that the first time I read it, but why the remark about how much you make? That wasn't relevant. Seriously?
It really didn't have much to do with people buying homes they weren't qualified to buy. It had more to do with what happened with those loans after they were made. CONGRESS PASSES WIDE-RANGING BILL EASING BANK LAWS (back in 1999)
Amazing, if it wasn't for capitalism Silverflicker wouldn't have a job. Not many low and middle class guys out there spending 325 a day to go fishing. Perhaps we should continue to tax the rich more so that Flicker sees the impact to his lucrative endeavor, this would be a great lesson in the policy of Democrats.