I hear ya on that one! The "old" guy got my vote and it wasn't because I liked the guy. It was better than the alternative. We got screwed anyway.
It's downright scary. These sheep that are still following the leader to the slaughter just can't grasp that this guy has had an alternative plans all along. He didn't just come up with this stuff in his first few weeks in office. Somebody please wake me up from this nightmare and tell me the American public ain't this blind.
Fox news is the only news I listen to, although the Hannity show IMO has fell by the wayside. I feel O'Reilly is right on the money, and Beck is right behind him. Glen Beck is a little over the top at times and does shed a few tears on occation....yes he does cry on the air, but I like his new websight and the 9 principles and 12 values to live by. Here's the link. http://theglennbeck912project.com/
I went hunting back in October and was sitting and having a beer with a older guy( my age...mid 40's) and I'm not big on politics but we got to talking about it when he said I'm voting for Obama cause he's smarter than I am! Brilliant...all of the lying azzhats are smarter than the average person...they're professional politians and liers! I couldn't believe that was a college educated middle aged proffessional would give that for a reason!
All I know is the buyer's remorse will hurt, but maybe this will be a blessing in diguise. America is getting a taste of what the far left and their agenda are all about. I can only hope that in four years the majority of America will rally behind conservatism, traditional values, and capitolism stronger than ever. In the mean time Republican's are in desperate need of a leader.
Mark my words ..... America will turn it's back on Israel, and God will turn His back on America .... there's a revolution coming ....one greater than the world has EVER seen .....
The cult of personality is a dangerous thing... and exactly how he was elected. Put on a good show, say the same catch phrase over and over, and eventually enough people will buy into it, even though they have no clue what they're buying into. To paraphrase/quote Dennis Prager during the election: "You don't change something unless you think it is wrong. If you want to make something better, then you improve it, not change it." Basically, why would you want to CHANGE the country unless you see it as being broken... Not that I'm advocating or being fatalistic, but I don't think he's going to have the chance to run a second time... and I think that it will come from someone who felt he promised tham something during the campaign and had that promise go unfulfilled... I hope it doesn't happen, because I can see something like that causing more problems than anything Obama would do, but I fear that the possibility is there
Naw.. the only reason you saw that from Bush was because of all the pressure he had on him as president.. and that's only because the media hated him sooooooo. Bush was laughed at and ridiculed solely for poor speaking habits.. but unlike many presidents before him he just kept on doing what he set out to do.. no matter what. He saw through both Iraq and Afghanistan.. determined to finish what was started more than 50 years ago... during those 50 years we've had a slew of presidents.. each not finishing the job and leaving it to the next in line... thus F-ing up the end game. (as someone so aptly put it once before). Because of his refusal to quit.. he was hated by the media. Thus.. the media made many Americans hate him. And what better way than to make him look as stupid as they could.
You are right on that Mike. How many have seen the picture of Bush trying to open a door that isn't a door in the White House, he then realizes his mistake and makes a funny face as if he is a moron. Now how many have seen the following photograph of Obama trying to use a window at the White House as a door, look closely as the door is to the right of the window he is trying to walk through. We also have Obama bowing to a King? Amazing the White House lies and says he was picking something up, the guy bowed to the King Of Saudi Arabia because of a Muslim tradition to bow to a King. Bush got roasted for holding the guys hand so I ask, would you rather have your president hold a hand in respect of custom or bow to one that is less of a leader in terms of global scope? Try watching Obama answer questions without a teleprompter, he will stare down a reporter like the devil. He will stutter as bad as GW without the promoter, yet we like sheep voted him into power thinking he was such a great speaker and so intelligent. The guy then goes on late night TV and makes a remark that degrades the Special Olympics! The leader of our country makes a joke at the expense of the disabled and it barely gets any press. If GW had done that there would be a line at the Whitehouse to hang him. In time we will see what GW did and I guarantee he will not be the idiot we believe he is or the idiot the media made him out to be.
Oh Horse ****, How many of you voted for the last dumb ass not only once but twice and just what makes you think ya got so much smarter over night to be able to judge this one in less than 90 fricken days. The problem with this country is things were so good during the Clinton years the dumb ass middle class started thinking they were republicans. If you belong to a union or just a blue collar worker and think your a Republican you should just take out your knife stab yourself in the neck and start jerking the crap out of it because your just cutting your own throat anyway. They do nothing for the common person, Keep them Hungry, Keep them Working. Its all about money, power and greed.
That's some serious prophecy PT, I thought he didn't turn his back on anyone, anytime after somewhere in the old testament. You do have my attention though, in regards to this revolution. What's up? Sliverflicker, it depresses me so that their are people out there that feel this way.
The blood-bath to follow America turning it's back on Israel is one I hope none of us here will have to witness. Everything is falling into place in Israel "daily", leading up to this. The best thing anyone in this world can do right now is pray that God will continue to keep his hand on them. Bobby