Checked my camera yesterday while scouting thunder chickens and here are a few pics... This dude is on the hit-list. And this will be my major competition... If this dude comes in he will have an arrow sent through him as well... And a little grey fox...
Thanks guys, I still havn't got the big guys on my game cam yet. I am gonna try to upload some of the video I have taken onto my computer later and post it.
Thanks guys Season opens Saturday the 25th Joe, I am pumped up and can't wait to get out in the woods!
Thanks Joe, to be honest, I would be more happy if my grandfather was able to tag one of these birds. He was released from the hospital after spending a few weeks in there. He had pneumonia, pleurisy, his kidneys were shutting down and got as low as 5% function, and he had an irregular heart beat to top that off. He is home tonight and very weak but we are hopeful that he will have enough energy to go out on Saturday. If so, my whole goal will go from arrowing one of these birds to letting him pepper one!