too. I shot and wounded him about 25 years ago. I used chest waders to cross a small river. I remember it was SUPER thick and I was only up about 6-7 feet. The longest possible shot was maybe 10 yards? He came walking along the riverbank with another good buck. I think the shot was about 5 yards. I knew I hit him but did not know where? Followed blood but decided to wait till morning. Me and a buddy trailed him about 1 mile next day. He kept crossing the river and we finally gave up. The next fall, the xwife n I were setting g coon traps about 200 yards from where I quit the trail a year earlier. She tripped on him in some long grass along the river. When I shot him, I knew he had ALOT of points but also knew he wasn't a giant. Hes been hanging on the wall for years now but tonight is really the first time I've really paid him a good look. Hes got 9 scorable point on each side. Just a cool buck that I sure wish I could have found and had a mount done. Just reflecting on years gone by.
That's a heck of a buck, makes me wonder if his best year was ahead of him or behind him, has some cool character. Love that right side where his main beam kinda valley's with mirrored points on each side
Lol. Funny, he's been hanging on the wall for years and tonight is the first time I've noticed that. He really does have some neat features.
something makes me doubt that tonight is the first time you have really paid much attention to him. Gives me a Booner boner and I am just looking at it in 2d.
Noodles. The pic makes him look bigger then he is. I'd say he "maybe" grosses mid 160s. And really, this evening is REALLY the first time I've ever really studied him.. I actually kinda think of him as a "winter kill"buck? The shot happened super fast being in such thick cover. Maybe 3-5 se c ones from seeing him too shooting and he dissappear even faster. He'd mean alotmore if I would have found him next day and was able to put my tag on him.
I understand that feeling. It isn't the same when you're the cause of death but recovery didn't result in the meat being in your freezer. For me, having the rack of an animal I killed but didn't recover the meat wouldn't be something I'd want to look at and be reminded.