Yeah, Ghilie was the last one. Emailed and PM'ed him earlier so we're all set as far as full team. As for a name, I'm good with whatever. Thirty rack actually sounds decent, I was trying for something to play on the name thirty rock and it never dawned on me to change an o to an a. Told you my brain wasn't working Once a name/captain have been chosen, does anyone have graphic skills or know a member that does avatars and sig lines?
Good Lord Cunningham!!! 100 points my a$$ those are some studs, hope you connect with one. Thirty Rack sounds good to me.
I prefer team signatures over team avatars. What does everyone else think? If we go with a signature, I've got a start on it. I'm not very good with photoshop and need some suggestions to make it better.
You and me both. Where do you hunt in the low country? I spend 4 years in the upstate but hunted down in Estill pretty much every year.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly! That's unbelievable...wide bucks...bucks with lots of points...looks like you've got it all there!
Keep in mind these are from 7 farms spread across 2 states. Lots of land represented there. But, what is probably the most unbelievable is that I am still waiting on my two biggest to show back up this year.
Great looking bucks you have there. 30 Rack sounds good to me. Wisconsin season starts Sept. 13th. So 23 days. 6 hrs. 14 min. and 34 secs.
I messed around a bit with a signature last night, let me know what you guys think. Also my season starts Sept 15th.
Both of the signatures look good to me. So whatever the majority wants works for me. On a side note got a nice surprise in the mail, was awarded a Wisconsin Fall turkey permit. Pretty excited.
That looks pretty good, just curious though. Is there anyway you could position the antlers at the top corners of the thirty pack? Kind of like a quartering away shot?
Glad everyone is checked in. Can't wait to get the season started. I will be hunting primarily Peoria Co. IL and maybe a bit in Fulton. Don't have any big boys on cam yet but they didn't start to show up last year until Oct. This is my 2nd year hunting my 40 acres, added about 2 acres of food plots and they are looking good. Still have a logging road in the bottom that I will be planting next week. Weather is perfect right now for making stuff grow
Sure, I'll throw up a new one when I get home. I tried it with a massive rack and it looked much cleaner with a simple 10 point.