Spent the weekend in Wisconsin hoping to smack a doe, but no luck. Headed to southern Indiana this weekend. I will let everyone know how it goes.
I still don't see a break in the warm weather in our future. The closest thing is a small drop in temp at the beginning of next week, which is when I'll be in school. I just added up the hours from my hunting journal and I've been in the stand for 43 hours so far this year. Patience has to pay off at some point, right?
Hey fellas I actually forgot to take the two pics with my bow...however, obviously the entire hunt is on film. I am assuming I can just use that? Sorry....this is my 3rd or 4th year in the competition and the first time I forgot to take pics!
I believe that film overrides the need for two photos. Could have sworn I saw that somewhere in the contest rules.
My understanding is the hunt footage along with a clear recovery on video will suffice for the 2 photos. Overtime schedule will be out later today, if I don't make it out this weekend a Halloween will be the next hunt. Have a lone wolf and sticks arriving today, scrapped the ground blind idea.
From the rules thread 3a.*If you harvest the deer on film and can provide footage of you shooting the animal along with post-recovery footage including hunting, animal, and bow, that will suffice in place of two photos. Footage must be posted online for everyone to see. 4.*Along with your photo (or video) you must post the date and time in which the deer was shot.
Loading up the car tonight after work so I can hit the road early tomorrow. Plan on pulling into Deer Camp at around 1pm, get settled and then hit the woods for an evening sit. I will keep everyone posted on how things go.
I have to work tomorrow and Saturday, may try to get out Sunday and hang the new stand. Depends how much work takes out of me. Next weekend is still looking like a good dose of cold coming in around Halloween night. Just hope the winds won't be too bad. The rest of the weekend. I'm almost on the vacation countdown.
I'll be hitting it hard this weekend. I'm thinking my best stretch for making a harvest will be November 5-13. That's historically when my best sits take place and when I've got the most time to hunt.
Checking back in. Deer seem to be up and moving in my area. Will be deploying some new mock scrapes this weekend closer to my stands. We have been plagued with serious wind for the past couple weeks with multiple fronts moving through limiting my hunting. I can smell the rut it is so close. Will have 11 days off to hunt prime time, can't wait. Stay safe out there guys and good luck!
Similar here. My best bucks to date with bow have been the 5th, 9th and 12th. '09, '11' and '13 respectively. Really hope this is the year to put one down in back to back seasons. Shot 3" under a brute in '12. I'm really considering trying a new approach either 2nd half of my vacation or if I put one down early on, two buck tags here. There's a large chunk of my uncles property that hasn't been hunted in years. The problem is once the leaves come down they pile up in the bottoms and getting in quietly is next to impossible. I'd probably be looking at getting into stand at like 2:30 in the morning once time goes back. If I make it out there this Sunday I may walk the creek and see just how bad it is or if maybe I can use the creek as an access route. Might pull a cam and hang if I find good sign. He's only pointed it out to me driving by on the utv a few years back so I've never actually got back in there. From the house it would be a good 30 minute walk.
Took a shot at a doe this morning. Quartering towards me at 20 yards, rookie mistake. Result was a non fatal shot. Regardless I tracked the doe for a few hours and unfortunately the search ended as I thought it might. I am really disappointed in myself for even trying that shot. It's not an excuse but I guess I just got excited. I am going to try and track her one more time tomorrow morning, so I will let everyone know what happens. I know that tough lessons like this are a part of bow hunting, but I'm still feeling pretty sick to my stomach about it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Keep your head up LSU, we all learn our lessons. But you will never forget that gut wrenching feeling, it will also probably not be your last. Good luck in your recovery!
Wish I had some better news to report, but still no luck. Now I am just hoping that it was in fact a non fatal shot. The thought of me killing a deer and let it go to waist does not sit well with me at all. Lesson learned, guess I can do now is make the best of it and use this as a learning experience. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally on the board for the team! Shot a nice doe tonight from my climber at about 15 yards. She only ran about 50 yards before crashing. It was one of those nights where everything seemed right, but i couldn't get away from work/obligations until after 4:00 PM. Almost didn't go at all since it was so late. Thankful I did now...doe came browsing through right around 6:00.