i am shooting the spitfire pro 100 gr. broadhead and thinking about going to the 2 blade rage does anybody have any comments or advice on the rage thanks all input is appreciated
Here you go, check out this video I put on youtube Best blade I've ever tried, 2 blades, 2" plus cut 18 deer have fallen since 2007, none lost, incredible blood trails http://www.youtube.com/user/bowhunterjohn63#p/u/14/LS049iHKGIM
I've shot both Spitfires and Rages. They both kill deer dead. Both leave massive bloodtrails. Both require significant energy. I'd use both again. You're switching from an F150 to a Silverado bro, they both get the job done.
Except the fact that switching from a Ford to a Chevy would be considered quite and upgrade if you ask me! :D
LOL I knew it wouldn't be long before a comment like this was made. I drive neither so I have no dog in that fight.
:D I don't have either myself seeing as I can't afford a truck but Chevy/Dodge is the way to go On the other hand, I've heard a bunch of positives AND negatives about rage broadheads. Seeing as I haven't tried them out yet, all I can say is be sure to practice with them so that you can shoot with the confidence that they will get the job done for you.
As long as your set-up allows for it you won't be disapointed... I've taken 4 deer with the rages, all with awesome blood trail and two shots were high... They fly awesome... They cut awesome... 3" dot.
I'm sure your setup produces plenty of KE to shoot the rages. You just need to be smart about your shot placement and angles just as you need to be with any kind of BH fixed and mechanical alike.
They do some serious damage!!!:D Here are a couple pics to prove it! Enjoy...WARNING Kinda gruesome!!! :D The first one the coyotes starting eating on!
Nice, ive heard that somewhere on a video recently, cant remember where though.... They work for me, shot placement is still the #1 key
I switched this year(reluctantly) to the rage 2. I used to shoot montecs. If they fly anything like the practice heads, there are going to be some hurtin critters out there.
I have had nothing but perfect results from them on the 3 bucks I have taken. I may have a problem in the future, but so far so good!