Then when I get home I found a new excercise routine that works on my cardio, and ability to function under duress... I align my Montecs with the fletching, go into my front yard a fire one straight up...then run in circles in my yard with my hands over my head until it comes down.... I've found that for a 50 year old after about a 6 pack I'm pretty damn fast. SB you guys have a great evening
Breaking News!!!!!!! "South Carolina Man Catches arrow smack in the top of his head!!!!!" But i will tell ya his BH and Fletching were Perfectly aligned!!!
I always thought the double duece involved getting up and leaving, only to go straight back to the bathroom realizing you are far from finished....Mexican food brings out the best in us.
I believe a "double duece" as it is so adequately called, can describe a myriad of bowel movements, including, but not limited to: Extreme Diarrhea I.B.S. (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) E.B.S. (Exploding Butt Syndrome) Large Floaters Large Sinkers The Disappearers The Destroyers The Mexican Hangover Peanut Brittle Can O Corn Green Slime Blue Goose Thin Dizzy Circular Steve And my favorite, The Famous Photo Opportunity! Anything that constitutes a double flush, half roll of toliet paper, and/or exhaust fan running for 45 minutes thereafter, both for the removal of stench and warning others of the desolateness of a bathroom which hath bear witness to a recent "double duece" can then be further known as and so affectionately called, The Double Duece.